10 Apr



This particular poem most recently came to mind yesterday - if my memory serves me correctly...

...And then again this morning - hence the reason for me deciding to share it here, at this particular time, with you all...

Pride and Prejudging

There are those who wish to leave their mark, and those who would leave no trace.

Those who would do anonymously, and some wanting a famous face.

There are 'Peter Pans' among us, and those who are fully grown.

There are some who seek the limelight, and those with a light of their own.

There are those who seek the silence and some who want the roar.

There are those who wish for nothing, yet others who seek for more.

Some who search for freedom, those who seek attention.

Those who seek the truth, others can't bear it mentioned.

Those who are a friend to all, others a friend to none.

Those wishing to understand others wanting to get things done.

Some who sit in solitude, others can't stand the feeling.

Those who have no regard for looks, others wanting to seem appealing.

There are those who want to change the world, some who can accept it 'warts and all'.

Some who are quite open, others hide behind their walls.

Some who are deep thinkers, others spend time in dreams.

Are we really so divided? Is it really as it seems?

It struck me quite strongly that this is just a view.

That to behave in certain ways was to reflect the truth.

To take on 'right' behaviour was to be on the 'good guys' side.

Then i realised slowly this was spiritual pride.

To use these mannerisms, in which we all take part,

Means nothing if they don't come truly from the heart.

Then suddenly it struck me that it was rather funny

That the quiet one in the corner may try to take your money.

That the wild one at the party, a joker to the end

May also turn out to be a true and loyal friend.

That those who seek for fame perhaps can't blossom in the dark

But gain great strength from trying to always make a mark.

That those who always tell the truth may be also indiscreet

and the one who seems so friendly may ignore you in the street.

That those who seem quite hard on us, do it from compassion.

Some who are always 'doing good' may only be following fashion.

While some professing animal rights could hit you in the eye.

Some others who really like their steak, could never harm a fly.

There isn't really black and white, only shades of grey.

It seems better not to prejudge those who don't act in a certain way.

(Presented, with commas full stops capitalisations and the same general format, as was offered in the Spring 1996' edition of a quarterly publication produced at the Buddhist Centre i used to attend, by an anonymous contributor)