31 Dec


A Greenstreete Rookie

In bed early, sleeping light

Wake up fuzzy, stomach tight

Bath and breakfast, packing clothes

Set out in a rush - how time goes.

The journey's quiet, the roads are clear

The mind is active with mounting fear

Life's been tough, nerves are frayed

Will i survive the coming days?

Strangers gather side by side

The teacher looks at pensive eyes

Rooms assigned, off we trek

Walking mindfully, step by step.

Get up early to greet the morn

Prepare to practice, yawn by yawn

After walking, breakfast's served

Eating gratefully - praise deserved.

Assigned to groups, tools in hand

The Shrine Hall forming upon the land

Lunch and tea breaks put behind

Extended practice to settle the mind.

The days pass by, the tensions ease

The body is strengthened - there's pain in the knees!

Strangers are friends and harmony rings

The surroundings are peaceful - full of joyful things.

The practice develops, the fruits are borne

The visit cherished like a sun-filled dawn

Happiness reigns, there's a period of bliss

The mind becomes reflective of the surroundings it will miss.

The last day is upon us - we're busy but sad

Cleaning our rooms, before repacking our bags

We say our goodbyes before going separate ways

Oh! how worthwhile, those Greenstreete days.

At 30/8/93

Sometimes poems can be interesting in terms of the information they omit to convey...

In this particular case, information such as...

The small hut at the top of the hill, on the edge of some pine trees - and of the small but plucky/trusting nightly rafter-roosting birdie therein...

My, seemingly unavoidably public, daily Tai Chi practises...

My wavering Tuesday - and how i chose to resolve it...

The seemingly troublesome slab of cheese...

The evening Buddhist teachings that i excused myself from - and how i was later rather gently and skilfully 'cured' of such a form of unintended aversion(???)...

The very enjoyable walking meditations - and the very grounding(???) imaginary colourful spiked shoes that i, on one occasion(???), wore...

The lovely London lady, and how she was rather amusingly invited to cook a Stroganoff for the meat eaters amongst us...

Rachel - and the warm glass of water she so generously provided for me...

And Grevil, the rather wonderful teacher - and his rather unexpected and unusual subtle exchange with me...

However, it did, hopefully, convey the rhythm of the train that could have rather prematurely taken me back home on said wavering Tuesday...