29 Sep


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

W/we've decided/agreed to offer three tunes/songs from the six that were most obviously alluded to within 'Bits N Bobs' on both (yeah, really lolz) Wednesdays (i.e. both 29 September 2021 'Bits N Bobs' typographical offerings) - as a sort of midweek mix if you will...

And as Wednesday is traditionally accepted/regarded as perhaps being the day of the/peoples working week where energies are possibly at their lowest(???) ebb, W/we have decided/agreed to select the three most energetic tunes/songs from the six most obviously available for possible selection - all of which are, incidentally, offered in the order deemed to be possibly the most obviously appropriate one...

So, here's hoping that they do the trick, so to speak - in terms of re-energising the spirits of those who may perhaps need it most...

The Boys Are Back In Town ~ Thin Lizzy...

And in the name of being seen (at least lolz) to be fully embracing equal rights - which i very much think (nay, know lolz) i already do btw - it simply/seemingly has to be said that it would very much seem that, so are the girls too, of course (phew eh - the last thing i would want is for my most bestest Buddy, the very Lovely Miss JJ to be on my case after all, isn't it lolz)...

The Time Warp ~ The Rocky Horror Show...

I think that's twice it's been done within 'Bits N Bobs' now - and they say things tend to come in threes don't they - ooh err eh...

Roll With It ~ Oasis...

So if the girl's not behind the door, where is she then??? - obviously we need to know if she's to be kissed, don't we - duh...