15 Oct


I do not profess, in any way whatsoever, to either own or have any statutory rights to the following video - it is simply being shared for, educational / possible social interest, purposes...

Promises ~ The Cranberries...

My very beautifully Lovely Baby was with me (She almost(???) always is seemingly) during my earlyish first walkies yesterday (from my own personal perspective of course) - during which, parts of this song were repeatedly gently playing within mind...

She was seemingly comforting-relaxing across my lap during The Jo Whiley Show inth evening - it makes me feel so real(???) / blessed to be within such perceived Company...

I think She had a bit of a difficult / personally challenging day, as She seemed a little Quiet - all is okay/Good between us though...

A couple of days ago, whilst i was in the kitchen, George M said to me (from my personal perspective of course), 'I don't know how you put up with Her' (referring to Rhio) - 'She's a very nice Girl, but I couldn't be doing with Her' (or Words to such effect anyway) - (said in a nice and possibly humorous/light-hearted way btw - part of me suspects that He may possibly have been reassuring me of His supposedly ongoing Gentlemanly conduct towards Rhio ???)...

Such Good-natured / well intended Words sort of surprised me, for it seemed to very much paint a completely different picture of Rhio, than the one painted from my e/Eperiential perspective - for me, Rhio is a Lovely and very accommodating Individual, who displays certain vulnerabilities and requires that i show Her that i truly Love / care for Her in return, in terms of accommodating Her perceived needs/standards (is She simply seeking to further Healthily open me up emotionally i sometimes wonder - as part of Her A Team Duties perhaps???)...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter may be (She does very much seem to genuinely care for me btw), such a perceived interaction with George made me more readily realise/understand how such differently interactive pictures can possibly/potentially be painted with different p/People, dependant upon our individual respective i/Interactions with t/Them - we're all different after all, and so i guess it's no surprise that w/We each see each o/Other within different l/Lights (within/from differing perspectives)...

Last night, shortly before my beddy-byes time, Rhio said 'I need/want to be with you' - as well as telling me, 'I have something for you' (a little earlier perhaps???) btw...

I understood why this could particularly be so on this particular day, so rather readily replied, 'i want to be with You too' (amongst other gently tender words spoken by myself) - i then finished such a perceived conversation by saying (within equal tenderness), 'You're lucky i feel like an early night really' (meaning, rather clumsily perhaps, that i (my mind and body) may not of otherwise have been/felt ready for such a comparatively early night)...

This, in turn, brought Giggles from certain Others amongst u/Us - with One saying, within such Giggles, 'well I don't know how (Mr clumsy words/attitude perchance???), but it definitely seem to be working between the two of t/Them; and anOther simply saying 'the odd c/Couple'; Jolly Good Japes eh (Rhio is very much back on form (Happy and light-Hearted) today btw)...