09 Dec


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individuals further along their chosen journey through life...

I have shared some AURORA music before on this website ('Avant Garde Dahlings'), however, i find her (and her 'band') to be so refreshingly good that i have decided to share some more with people who may wish to partake of her/their musical 'yummyness' - they are all from AURORA's most recent 'A Different Kind Of Human' album btw...

The River ~ AURORA...

Different songs can say different things to different people - of that there can be little doubt, i, personally, would most readily suggest...

'And you let the river run wild', to me, rightly or wrongly (tis only a singular possible perspective after all, is it not???), talks of a war within our own Milky Way galaxy (the Milky Way, from our perspective here on planet/Mother Earth can very much be viewed/seen as being river-like after all, can it not???) - a war that has left our solar system looking/resembling somewhat of an aftermath of a possible war zone (with the asteroid belt (a destroyed planet???) perhaps being a permanent reminder of the folly of war and the retribution that can perhaps result from a more powerful near(???)-stellar neighbour, after we have rather unskillfully/hinderedly, 'messed' / uninvitedly and deleteriously interfered, with an extra/outer-stellar planet (and its perhaps less evolved inhabitants) which such a more powerful neighbour oversees, on a perhaps, periodically visiting/passing-by / occasional, basis)...

'Do you miss the sadness when it's gone?', once again speaks to me of highly hindered/distorted/unskillful beings/people who seem to 'enjoy' visiting pain, suffering, and intended subservience onto others via war-like/'conquering' activities...

Daydreamer ~ AURORA...

 (please do not EVER be tempted to look at the sun through binoculars or telescopes btw - as you will most possibly/probably become blind, should you choose to errantly do so)...

People who daydream are sometimes seen (by an all-to-readily damning 'eye'perhaps???) as wasting away their lives...

Whereas the truth of the matter is that some 'daydreamers' have had/experienced their 'best', and perhaps most 'productive', thoughts/Insights  whilst residing within such 'dream-like' states - have they not???...

You don't (perhaps wish to???) agree with me??? - look back in history to some of our 'greatest' thinkers and 'dreamers', and see/decide for yourself, i would very much suggest/advise...

Apple Tree (Live) ~ AURORA...

There is a saying - 'The apple never falls far from the tree'...

To me such a saying often speaks of a bitter 'apple' - one who uses it in a 'guilt-tripping' kind of way...

However, here is a question for the reader of these words to perhaps ponder - when used in its most pure/positive(???) form, do you think such a saying contains any real general merit, or is it perhaps a bit of a 'misnomer'???...