17 Apr


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself (at siljasol.bandcamp.com for example), in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

Silja is possibly better / more commonly known as a band member of AURORA...

She generally sings backing/harmonising vocals within such a band - and can also be seen playing the keyboard/piano and guitar, for example...

However, Silja is also an artist in her own right - and has produced albums such as På Hjertet, Ni Liv, and På Ekte (from which the following three selected offerings are/form part)...

Hatten ~ Silja Sol...


Løgneren ~ Silja Sol...

Kometen ~ Silja Sol...

What the På Ekte album seems to highlight, for me in particular anyway, is how well-suited Silja's very lovely and very distinctive voice seems to be to such an electronica-style of musical accompaniment/environment - especially so, perhaps, within the above three selected offerings...

To me, Silja's voice seems to have a certain Japanese type of vibe/quality to it - within the above three offerings especially perhaps...

It makes me wonder whether Silja has had/lived a previous incarnation within a Japanese type/style of environment - and if so, who knows, maybe as a warrior perhaps...

As a perhaps slightly light-hearted aside, before starting my day proper yesterday morning, i found myself to be playing within mind with Silja Sol's (or Silja of the sun's perhaps) name...

What i realized was that if i swapped/exchanged the 'i' from Silja, with the 'o' from Sol, then such a name would then become Solja Sil...

And that, phonetically at least perhaps, the name Solja could then be playfully extended to become Souljah - with Jah being associated with the Rastafarian word for God - and that this part ('Jah') could then, most readily perhaps, be musically linked/associated to/with Bob Marley...

...Which then, in turn, brought the words 'Songs Of Freedom' to mind, for some unknown reason - causing me to realise that although both Aurora and Silja are the two female members of the band AURORA, both enjoy the freedom of producing their own music independently of one-another at times, also...

And then the word Souljah in itself, for some reason, musically brought to mind the Bon Jovi lyrics 'I'm a soldier (souljah)', which forms part of their 'Army Of One' tune/song - thus perhaps mirroring/highlighting the rather quiet inner strength/resolve that would seem to be coursing through Aurora's slightly older (and guiding/advising perhaps???) 'big sister's' being...

Yeah, i know, i can be a bit of a strange one at times can't i - but hopefully not so strange that Silja would perhaps see me in a lesser light than otherwise, for having displayed such word-playfulness, if she were ever to read such shared thoughts, though - (not that i think she in any way would do btw - well hopefully not anyway lolz)...