06 Jun


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

I think it has fleetingly crossed my mind to showcase some Rolling Stones tunes on a number of occasions - over a period of the last number of months perhaps...

And a few days ago it did so again, with a little more vibratory conviction perhaps - causing me to give such a thought much greater consideration...

So, having already highlighted/noted such selection, said few days ago, here they are presented as a shared offering - in the very same order in which they individually came to mind, and as earlier ear-marked for today's publication...

The Midnight Rambler (Live From Madison Square Garden, New York/1969) ~ The Rolling Stones...

When this particular tune came to my attention, i realised its possible aptness for inclusion...

As i could be seen as a bit of a 'midnight rambler' myself...

Well, more of an 'anytime', thinking out loud, type of general 'rambler', if truth be told - preferring to think my thoughts/reflections and general ponderings in an outwardly verbal way, if you will - and thereby upholding my 'better out than in' general philosophy/outlook to/within life (within certain respects at least perhaps)...

She's A Rainbow ~ The Rolling Stones...

I very much like this particular tune also - and have done so for many a year now...

A rainbow, Spiritually speaking, encompasses/reflects / can represent, the seven Rays - as in/re The Seven Rays Of Life by Alice Bailey perhaps...

A book that i owned and read, partially at least, a number of years ago now - and one of a number of similar type books that i passed on freely to two sisters who had only recently become interested in 'things Spiritual', so to speak, maybe twenty or so years ago perhaps - and one that i have only just ordered, in order to re-read it once again actually...

Angie ~ The Rolling Stones...

This particular tune holds fond memories for me - and hence its inclusion within this particular group of offerings/selections...

A number of us (all males, if my memory serves me correctly) had been to a pub , sometime over the Xmas period, when we were possibly all still in our later teenage years - twas on a night where we had been invited back to one of the group's nearby parents house, sometime after last orders had been called within such a pub...

Anyway, upon entering Joe's said parents house, and having been introduced to his Polish parents and offered a glass of Polish vodka each, with a solitary strawberry included within each glass, off we all went into a living-room to listen to some music - whereby this particular tune was selected and agreed upon - so there were all were, sat in the comparative dark, vodka glass in hand, singing in accompaniment to/with such a tune (a rather magical moment for us all - well, if not for anyone else, then for me, at the very least)...