13 Nov


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) or their remaining family members further along their chosen journey through life...

The first of these three songs Came to me during one particular walkies, after i had realised that the immediate previous one was to be the song represented within the An 'Afterlife' Sunday offering...

Then, as i was preparing stuff inth kitchen yesterday afternoon, i found myself listening to the whole of 'The Very Best Of Joan Armatrading' cd through the speakers that comprise part of my personal stereo system, whilst doing so...

...And as always(???), within such circumstances, i simply carried on with (in this particular instance) such culinary preparations, awaiting to see if my attention would be Drawn to any additional ones in particular - and so they were, twice in actual fact - so here they all are, in the order written down, for the listener to hopefully enjoy :-) :-) :-) ...

Me Myself I ~ Joan Armatrading...

Well, it may seem that way perhaps - but, truth be told, we are never ever alone - none of us...

For we are always Accompanied by, at the very least, One Other - but, much more usually, by perhaps many different Others - Others that sometimes lend us Support and Assistance/Inspiration/Help, whether we are Aware of it or not...

So perhaps we should try to remember this (if only upon occasion eh) - and to Acknowledge it - with Inner Words of Thanks/Appreciation perhaps, whenever we feel that it may be appropriate / good manners for us to do so perhaps...

I'm Lucky ~ Joan Armatrading...

Sometimes it may seem difficult to feel that we could actually be lucky/fortunate...

I, personally, remember going through what seemed like a particularly extended period of time whereby my life seemed very limited/constricted indeed due to lack of money - then, one day, i realised that i had a roof over my head, and a bed to sleep in, and a settee to relax upon, and food, clothing, and (clean & fresh) water to drink and wash my body with etc - then i thought about the people living in makeshift shacks next to rubbish tips in various places inth world, barely surviving, and realised that my home would seem like a comparative palace to such people (and my perceived paucity a comparative garden of riches), so then very much realised that such a personal pity-party mentality was very inappropriate indeed...

And then there are those whose lives are indeed very difficult indeed, at times at least - times that They/We may look back upon with a sense of Achievement/Accomplishment (for example), perhaps, realising that they were actually Self-Strengthening opportunities (for example), or karmically offloading ones, perhaps - ones that have brought certain Benefits to Them/Us through the experiencing of such personal toils/travails/hardships perhaps... 

More Than One Kind Of Love ~ Joan Armatrading...

There are indeed different kinds of Love...

E/energetic E/expressions that pass from/through O/one (or G/group thereO/of) to anO/other (or G/group thereO/of) ...

E/energies of S/support (when someone is undertaking a charitable endeavour for example) - E/energies of C/compassion, for example - and E/energies of T/tenderness etc, being an example of yet another form of E/energetic E/expression that we most commonly/readily label as Love perhaps...