17 May


I do not claim ownership of any of the following videos, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have merely chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here for the purposes of the entertainment and upliftment of myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents...

On this particular Sunday it has been decided to showcase some very young musical talent...

For me, particularly, the highlighting of such young talent provides a certain upliftment and hope for the continued evolution of the human species/race in general...

May you all enjoy as much as i do/did...

1) Mozart, Concerto No.3 in D major ~ Elisey Mysin...

Such attentiveness and concentration being demonstrated by the young and extremely gifted Elisey - (age not stated/given/provided btw)...

...And such positivity of purpose also...

Traits truly to be very much admired, one would most readily suggest...

2) Hotel California ~ One Girl One Band (Miumiu Guitargirl - 6 yrs old)...

Within this YouTube video, Miumiu says the following to her many subscribers/viewers...

'Thank you for your encouragement. I will continue to study hard. To fulfill my dream to be an excellent guitarist.' ...

I very much admire Miumiu's sense of dedication and purpose - and feel that such sentiments should be very much applauded...

3) Ferdinand Küchler's Violin Concertino In G, Opus 11 (plus others) ~ Akim Camara (3 yrs old) and Orchestra (conducted by André Rieu)...

I particularly like this chosen example because/as it also shows the playful side of such a young child as Akim...

...And i personally think that it is important that all children be allowed to explore and express such playfulness...

Indeed i believe that is important that we all be allowed to do so, no matter our age...