07 Apr


I do not claim ownership of this music/video in any way whatsoever, and as such it is in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own freewill, to showcase it here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to it, then please consider purchasing it for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

Around three weeks ago i typed the following comment in response to both listening to, and reading the comments related to, a YouTube video entitled 'A little light on Blue Ray Starseeds' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpk04DccKII&lc=Ugz-nzDCdLV7-YANMnd4AaABAg.A0z8TqMMja9A1nToLmjOkN) ...

'It doesn't matter one iota what label you may or may not choose to adopt/assign for/to yourself - all that matters is what you do whilst incarnate here on planet Earth - and that goes for ALL of us...' ...

And then, onth 4 April 2024 'anna' made the following reply...

'WOW! That is by far the closest thing to a common sensed replay to these videos I've read in a while. Thanks for that! The world is really grasping for straws nowadays: blue rays, starseeds, lightworkers, alchemists, crystal children, rainbow children, the list goes on and on and on and on...' ...

This, in turn, elicited the following flowing response...

'All these badges they create for people to wear and strut around parading (i am not a label i am a free man lolz - re The Prisoner series) - 'Heyoka' this, 'Chosen Ones' that, etc etc - 'yeah, but what are you doing, and is it service to self or service to others, and if both then who do the proportions favour, yourself or others???', would be the most obvious question to ask...

Andromedans (a completely separate galaxy), Arcturians, Pleiadians (has anything the supposed 'they' have ever said over the last 12+ years ever come true??? [added post-publication on this 'ere website of O/ours, onth same day - unless the supposed Pleiadians are simply being misrepresented by those in real power on planet Earth, of course]), and the 'Dear ones' way of addressing people makes me wonder if such a supposed 'they' had to pay a high price for future ownership lolz - and then there is the so-called 'Salusa' entity, who coincidentally is also a character in the 'Dune' book by Frank Herbert (first published in August 1965) - i sometimes wonder if it is all some kind of inflated-ego / gullibility test, to be perfectly honest - but, hey, wherever there's a buck to be made eh...

Maybe it's all a setting-the-scene prelude to a future announced 'first contact' - with man-made 'space ships' and genetically enhanced/engineered 'extra terrestrials' to beguile us all with - and if it does all turn out to contain at least an element of truth then i am ever mindful of humankind's two most obvious karmas (deceit and the mistreatment of the lower kingdoms), and wonder whether the same would be visited upon us by a 'higher' / more technologically advanced preditory species, in repayment of such karmas...' ...

...A response that i chose not to send in reply, for i remember, within a dream, seeing John Lennon as something possibly akin to what i later realised/understood to be a 'Silurian' type of Being - and then i remembered that, within my dream states it often seemed as if i am a lot better looking (more attractive) than i am in my physical state - and then i also remembered that, with regard to myself and Rhio, one Individual Saying 'well i don't know how, but it definitely seems to be working', whilst Another simply Said 'the odd couple' (both within much humour/merriment btw), which also seemed to indicate that I looked somewhat different, and am, perhaps, somewhat larger within my non-physical Self (if only relatively eh) ...

...So then i pondered upon what i had typed and thought, 'well how do i know that there are not other Races trying to help lift humanity out of our seeming quagmire of existence???' and that maybe we are indeed a mixture of different Races when not enclothed within our human physical vehicles of expression...

So, anyway, this caused me to simply put aside such a non-offered reply, whilst wondering what else i could offer instead...

And this, in turn, later brought the following 'blu-ray' play-on-words type of developed response into being...

'Blu-rays are players for sure, anna - and i should know, for i have one - which reminds me, i have a film to watch :-) ;-) :-) ...' ...

Humour - much better eh - so offer that one instead, i did...

But then, after having offered it in reply, i sort of felt bad about picking out those who choose to adopt such a 'blue ray' label for themselves in particular, but left it in its published form, as i simply hadn't got anything else to offer...

So, anyway, i later Received 'Nothing Else Matters' - which i instinctively knew was a song title to a tune i very much liked but had simply forgotten about, as i had not listened to it for seemingly quite a number of years - so just before going to bed i decided to write such a song title down in my latest A6 Notepad, thinking that i may offer it instead on the following day...

...And, low and behold, come the following day i decided that it would indeed be a much better form of reply - for i, often, very much enjoy offering music (both with or without any accompanying verbiage), mainly due to its simplicity in so doing - but also because it allows each person to decide what it means to them personally, and in so doing, and within such a respect, abnegates me from any sense of responsibility really (highly convenient huh - upon this particular occasion, at least, perhaps - :-) :-) :-) ) ...

...So orft i went, and deleted the humorous 'blu-ray' reply, and offered the 'Nothing Else Matters' reply instead - and so it was, voila-like dahlings - so hear's hoping you enjoy listening to such an excellent tune and accompanying video :-) :-) :-) ...

Nothing Else Matters ~ Metallica...