06 Mar


I do not claim ownership of this music/video in any way whatsoever, and as such it is in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own freewill, to showcase it here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to it, then please consider purchasing it for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

I was listening to some of The Steve Wright Show, rather spontaneously actually - on Tuesday 1 March 2022 - if my memory serves me correctly...

My mind was elsewhere, doing / thinking about other stuff, when this tune was played - so i didn't realise it was an 'Ed tune' until Steve said so after playing it - wow, thought i, what a really beautiful tune...

Thus causing me to note it down, to offer today, on this rather bright and sunny Sunday...

The Joker And The Queen ~ Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift...

...Simply because it is such a very beautiful tune/song - and therefore it is O/our very great pleasure to showcase it here - :-) :-) :-) ...

I am personally choosing to dedicate it to the once self-proclaimed Queen of Ireland :-) :-) :-) :-) ...

I wonder if you know who it is??? :-) :-) :-) ...