07 May


So anyway, i Received the call/request to call it a day at 11:30pm last night - i, along with a guest, had, from my personal perspective anyway, been invited to an A Team Gathering during my sleepies time...

And interestingly enough perhaps, i, seemingly rather spontaneously/unexpectedly, 'foresaw' myself writing the following initial words within the Bits N Bobs part of this 'ere website of o/Ours, on the following morning - 'What a dream'...

...Even though i gave no considerations to such a dream possibility - for as far as i am personally concerned, i either experience interesting dreams or i don't - i have all sorts of dreams after all (as many people do in actual fact), so it's not as if such things are in any way of any particularly special interest to me per se...

...But hey, i guess it's something extra to share isn't it - and i am not aware of it having happened to me before...

Hence the reason for me consciously deciding to make such an initial comment upon starting my day, early this morning - sometimes, people like myself simply get a sort of kick out of doing such things - tis one of my many foibles(???)/things that tend to help to keep things interesting for me i guess...

So anyway, there i was laying in bed with certain personal inner-mind activities keeping me company pre-sleep...

And then, before falling asleep, the first of my pee pee times beckoned...

So up i dutifully got, only to notice that my half-awake mind was swimming at bit - and that i was sensing that i could perhaps fall subject to a feinting spell, if i wasn't perhaps being particularly mindful/focussed during such purposeful out-of-bed wanderings...

And then, whilst taking care of such personal needs, i realised that my body/tummy was feeling somewhat queasy - so orft i wandered into the kitchen to take a fairly healthy bite of a banana, in the hope that it may settle such queasiness a little...

And yep, you guessed it, it seemingly turned out to be one of those rather special ones again - i wouldn't mind, but its not as if all of them seem to be in anyway special - for i quite often find myself taking a little nibble (well maybe slightly more than just a little nibble, if i'm being completely honest - such during-the-night nibbles seem to facilitate much deeper sleeps at times, don't they - and with much deeper sleeps come much fewer darn pee pee times also, so such nibbles generally prove themselves to be a bit of a winner all-round really (although not always, obviously))...

So anyway, the next thing i know, is that i have awoken from a rather interesting and unusual dream, at around 4am i guess...

...And after having perused such dream contents for a short while, i realised that there seemingly wasn't a cat in hell's chance that i'd be getting back to sleep any time soon, as my mind was then fully awake, and i could hear the start(???) of the local dawn chorus gathering pace...

...So, up i got, fired up me lappy, and made my first Bits N Bobs entry for the day - before deciding to do my customary bit of 'puter surfin' within my regular haunts, so to speak...

...Which of course, upon this particular occasion at least, included 'avin' a bit of a play onth Guardian anth Daily Mail, in the form of comment-making and general perusing of certain articles within each...

...And generally gettin' me 'ead together like - aided, of course, by the rather welcoming Zoe Ball on her Morning Breakfast Show on BBC Radio 2...

Anyway, preamble put aside, let's get on with recounting such a dream eh - and hey, let's leave out the seemingly unnecessary/superfluous bits eh - we know what these dreams can be like sometimes don't we, after all (they can drag on a bit can't they - upon occasion at least)...

So anyway, there i found myself - walking down Hope Road, towards the shopping/entertainment part of Sale...

Whereby i noticed a plane beginning to fall rather steeply, somewhat in front of me - (i didn't see any signs of visible damage to the parts of such a plane that were actually shown to me within such a dream btw)...

And no, not any old plane, but a seemingly very modern one indeed - with a fairly long pointy nose, and delta type wings - which was of a fairly shiny darkish grey colour (twas a fairly bright and sunny day btw)...

And yep, down it came, nose first...

Not that it alarmed me really, as it seemed to be at a fairly safe distance in front of me - as well as being somewhat to the left of me also...

And yep, up came the smoke, from behind a brick building, with perhaps a fairly high brick wall in front of and possibly around it also - still at a fairly safe distance thought i, with somewhat increased interest...

But hey, then the scene changed - didn't it just...

And i found myself to have possibly been in some sort of large car-park - and seemingly somewhat closer to said downed plane...

Only to see what can only be described as a low sea of plasma-like flame, spreading fairly widely and quickly towards me...

Oh heck thought i (without really thinking, if you know what i mean) - i better get running, fast like...

But before i knew it, said low wall of plasma-like flames/fire started passing me by - with seemingly a fairly wide gap, around me...

And yes, i could definitely sense the onset of the rather intense heat - but thankfully, only in a rather subdued way - and only for a very short duration of time (was i/ my physical vehicle of expression in fact unknowingly dead by then i wonder???)...

And then i noticed the rear end/wings of such a plane, static above me - and this time it was jet black...

Oh heck thought i (without really thinking, if you know what i mean), will i pass from under it, before it possibly comes crashing down upon me???...

Talk about trying to give the likes of Seb Coe a run for their money eh - (but, to be fair, it was in no way out-and-out panic on my part - but yeah, most definitely a sense of a concerted effort being needed, that's for sure)...

But yes, thankfully, i made it (well i did in the etheric sense at least - if not in the physical bodily sense) - only to look back at its seemingly very wide/long rear end...

...Which seemed to comprise a long row of closely situated and fairly large circular exhaust ports/holes...

And then the next scene came...

Whereby i found myself walking back down the road, from a distance once again - to see what possibly remained of such a possibly military-type looking plane - and of the extent of the damage that its impact would have most obviously have caused...

...Only to hear the mutterings of other concerned individuals, who were talking about a terrorist missile attack...

...Although the feeling that i personally got/had at the time, was that such a plane had possibly been hijacked/stolen, and that another plane had released a missile(???) / laser-beam(???) / emp-like weapon(???) towards it, in order to intentionally bring it down, before it could perhaps escape off into the distance...

So in the next scene, upon approaching such an area, from a perspective of a somewhat higher elevation, i saw the front end of such a plane - that was now laying prone/flat on the ground like a normally-landed plane - only this time its front end looked very much like that of a stubby-nosed space shuttle, with its protective top tiles missing...

...And in its place was a yellowish part-covering - as if it had perhaps been sprayed with some sort of flame retardant perhaps - or hey, maybe that is what it naturally looks like after such tiles have been removed???...

And then in the final shared scene, i found myself to have already walked away from such a scene, momentarily noticing the pain on the soles of my bare feet, each time they impacted the road/pavement - so maybe this was telling me that my body had indeed unknowingly 'bit the flames', so to speak???...

Yep, that dream experience was definitely different - in fact i can't remember ever having experienced one like that ever before, in my whole life in actual fact...

What a start to my day eh - even though the whole experience was predominantly emotion-free - as most of my dreams are, in actual fact...

So do i think that such a plane will impact such a location??? - no i don't...

And do i actually think that such a dream in anyway represents / foretells of a possible future reality??? - well not really, but hey, who knows eh - all i am in fact doing is choosing to share that which i experienced within such a dream...

So why the Sale area in particular, one may reasonably ask - and why Hope Road in particular???...

Well i guess, symbolically, all hope was seemingly quite obviously gone/extinguished for all those who had been inside such a plane, at the very least, of actually surviving wasn't it...

And hey, Sale is fairly close to Manchester airport after all - so within such a dream i guess such a plane was stolen(???)/hijacked(???), within the dream at least, from an airport...

And if indeed such a dream were ever to materialise within the real world, then those type of possible symbologies (pretty neat word huh) would/could perhaps make complete sense to me...