22 Feb


The first one involved David Cameron and myself - it was quite a long/protracted one, but what i would consider to have been the pertinent part was when David and myself were running down an open lane/road inth open countryside (flat fields all around, and chatting affably) and David became short of breath (whilst my breathing was perfectly normal - in fact i was very much enjoying the freedom that such running facilitated) - so come on David, get to work on improving your fitness/stamina (tis not a good sign to be so easily outrun by an old codger like myself after all, is it)...

The second dream involved Rio Ferdinand and a top, top regarded defender (whose name i cannot remember - a previous one i think) - it took place on a footy field, where other players were also present, but not involved - and my viewing perspective was from roughly overhead and fairy high up...

Both Rio and the other player were vying/competing for possession of the ball (with Rio in possession and the other player trying to dispossess him) - the interesting thing was that flames were coming out of both players feet - i was rooting for Rio, but rather mistakenly thought that the other very highly regarded player would come out the victor of such an ongoing tussle (but hey, inth end Rio came away with the ball, leaving tuther player onth ground - they both went to ground on a couple of occasions btw)...