09 Feb


Over a period of more recent years i have now had three dreams in which Jo Whiley has played a part (all short ones btw) - with the most recent being in the earlier hours of this morning - a little time before i awoke for the final time, before deciding to get up and start my day actually...

I remember after having had the first one, two or three years ago now, thinking that it was a bit of a sad/personal one, so decided not to share it...

With the second one, which occurred possibly early last year, being deemed to have been seemingly too inconsequential to share...

However, inconsequential or not, such a second dream later caused me decide that if i ever had a third 'Jo dream' then i would share all three under the title of 'Three Jo Dreams'...

So, share them all i will now do...

Dream 1...

This dream took place within a fairly darkly/dimly lit rectangular room - twas in black and white - and there was nothing but a sort of long sports bench (fairly low with no back) within (the centre of???) it...

A rather sad Jo was sat on said bench to my immediate right - twas as if she had confided/shared something troubling(???)/sad that had taken place (Jo the confessor lolz) - ath end of said dream Jo's head was inclined leftwards, resting (resignedly???) upon my right upper torso, with my right arm around her back and my right hand holding her right upper arm/shoulder, in a comforting/understanding sort of way...

Dream 2...

This dream either took place in a fairly crowded large garden, or in a fairly crowded very(???) large room (i can no longer remember which), seemingly during the day-light hours - twas an upbeat party setting / social gathering - with me walking towards a happy drinks glass holding Jo, with Jo's head turned slightly rightwards, looking towards me and smiling with a shared sort of happy conspiritorial(???) look being passed between us, as if there was an unspoken 'we know something no one else knows' look being acknowledged by both of us, as i approached and passed her by(???) towards my left hand side...

Dream 3...

In this dream i was living in my previous flat (which puts it within the very early 2000's at the very latest - and possibly as early as the late 1970's) - i was aware of some loud music being played outside, so looked rightwards out of my main double windows to see an array of large black oblong-shaped speakers, laying sidewards, on the green lawned grass some distance away from me - this then caused me to look out of my other, smaller, window (90 degrees to the right, ath other end of room), where i heard female chatter and saw the heads and upper shoulders of two females walking excitedly away, leftwards, very close to the block of flats, whilst Jo then came into view, walking across the grass in the general direction, and to the right of, said array of speakers etc, away from me, wearing a long flowing matt black summer-like (long-sleeved(???) and high-necked(???))dress (fairly close-fitting top half, and a flowing/billowing, loosely fitting bottom half), before she turned around happily to show another, unseen, female her baby bump (with both hands either side of said baby bump as if to emphasise it - circa one third / halfway through pregnancy perhaps???) ...