07 Aug


I wasn't going to share the following seemingly inconsequential and possibly interrelated(???) three dreams, as i very much consider myself to be on my summer holidays at the moment - however they comprise my third night of dreaming and they involve three famous people, so maybe i should...

The first famous person was the Queen who was standing in a fairly large, fairly average room, with a fairly average upright brown piano - she was accompanied by an unknown male relative(???)...

I remember not being sure of the protocol, so feeling rather awkward/unsure, i did a sort of half bow from the waist - an introductory gesture that the Queen seemed somewhat unconcerned about; as if tired of such formalities...

The next scene involved a slowly passing white box van with a male driver and male companion sat in the front seats - it had some sort of advertising writing/text on the outside of it, but my attention was not drawn to it so i have no idea what it said...

Such a van was absolutely crammed-packed with film dvds - which caused me to rather enthusiastically and successfully intercept such a van...

Upon asking the accompanying man, it would seem that i was given two such dvd's - one, which the Queen seemed to very much prefer, was 'Gone With The Wind'; the other, which the Queen seemed not to prefer, was a Tom Cruise film of unknown title (try not to lose too much sleep over it eh Tom)...

Anyway, the small group of us (including the Queen) who saw such a passing van, later (presumably to Tom's great delight???) chose/elected to watch the Tom Cruise film - which the Queen very much seemed to accept graciously, in a sort of non-committal way/fashion...

The next famous person was Tom Cruise, who was in a fairly large room with many other seemingly unknown celebrities(???)/guests(???)...

It would seem that i may have had some sort of unknown message to deliver to him - one that seemingly wasn't particularly well received...

It caused Tom to make his way through the crowd of people towards me in a seemingly fairly agitated way - causing me to decide to allow him some time to regain his composure...

When Tom finally approached me i found myself to be carrying a guitar - it had a slightly faded black, fairly wide strap, with slightly faded fairly large and thin gold coloured squares running down its fairly long length, as it hung from my right shoulder with the guitar attached below...

In the next scene i entered a house which presumably belonged to Tom...

Upon passing through the front door i noticed a pile of letters and leaflets(???) on the floor, which the throng of people inside had seemingly ignored...

Anyway, as i was seemingly going to see Tom once again, i decided i might as well pick up only the letters and give them to Tom when i presumably later located him - end of second dream...

The third and final famous person was Russell Crowe - who i think may have been one of the celebrities in the first part of my 'Tom' dream(???); as i seem to remember seeing him smile happily at/towards me(???)...

In this dream it would seem that a bunch of us were taking part in the making of an action(???) film...

There was only one scene that we were both involved in - one where Russell was driving (rhd) and i was the front bench-seat passenger in what was presumably Russell's fairly large car...

We were driving at a fairly moderate speed down a fairly wide, level, straight and spacious, suburban type of road - with just a few square shaped buildings that we passed by during the day time...

Anyway, there was a fairly large white-coloured sedan-type car approaching us from the opposite direction along the otherwise empty road...

I only noticed one person in said car - they were seated in the front left-hand seat (lhd car???)...

I'm not sure if it was a straight, ear-lengthed, black-haired, medium-sized male or female - but i would favour it being a female...

As such a car was approaching i noticed that said person was holding a pistol - to which they were seemingly attaching a silencer(???)...

Anyway, as said car was about to draw level with us i remember wondering why Russell had not chosen to speed up in order to lessen the chance of either of us being shot - however he simply carried on at the same fairly moderate speed as before...

Said car passed without incident - which caused me to say to Russell, in a fairly nonchalant matter-of-fact manner, 'that was good timing'...

End of dream sequence...

Like i said, such dreams seem fairly inconsequential to me personally - but hey, maybe they will make sense to somebody; or maybe not of course...

Anyway, as my three secondhand 'Spooks' dvd's (series 4, 5 and 6) arrived through the post immediately before typing out these 'ere dreams, i think i may now start watching them - especially having very much enjoyed watching all of the first three earlier purchased secondhand series...