29 Oct


Snippet 1...

Stood at a large pool table with the white ball seemingly being situated close to a number of other pool balls, and it being my turn to play...

...And that from where i was stood (my perspective) i would need a 'spider', rather than a traditional 'rest', implement to be able to hit the top part of the white...

...And then realising (a different perspective) that if i moved to a different position around the table i would be able to hit the white ball without the assistance of any implement - and that i may possibly be able to pot a ball also (solve the problem i was left with)...

Snippet 2...

A somewhat 'bumbling', eccentric, and professorial Boris with an incredibly bright young male, blonde-haired child of around five years of age - with the time-frame seemingly somewhat back in time...

In the first scene Boris and the child were situated on a grassed area, closely adjacent to a public footpath within a park - Boris was stooped down playing with some sort of machine-gun(???)/rifle(???) attached to an upright swivelling thingy that was presumably secured/impaled into the soil/ground...

...With his presumed son to the left of him, playing with a similarly attached dustbin/cylindrical type thingy, with a long, thin, circular, dull-green missile-thingy protruding from it...

They were both seemingly waiting for the park to close before being able to fire such things (especially the missile seemingly) at the targets situated/positioned a (few???) hundred yards or so in front of them - Boris seemed to be playing excitably with his, in anticipation (as adults sometimes do when with a child)...

In another scene all three of us were talking together whilst stood on the stone/gravel-type footpath - with me kneeling down close to the child, in conversation...

...And Boris stood close to a natural earthen-type wall that ran the length(???) of the other side of said footpath - he was wearing slightly dishevelled clothing, with a blackish waistcoat on, and a face that was only slightly Boris-like (well i had to be able to presumably recognise him after all didn't i)...

Anyway, the point being that as the child started off by telling me that 'it is a missile', before presumably going into far greater detail (and me realising 'oh my goodness this is an incredibly bright child' (from my perspective, at least)), his head, physically (as i was thinking this), became very much bigger, as if he had great brain capacity...

It's a pity such a dream snippet ended when it did really - as i was very much looking forward to the firing of the missile...

In this dream Boris seemed to be a lot more welcomingly engaging than he has in others btw (although he always seems to be quite a friendly individual) - even though we hardly spoke really (so i guess it was an impression i 'collected' from him whilst within such a dream really)...

Snippets 3...

In the final one of the three, i was with various animals...

In the first i was walking within a large park (presumably/seemingly with someone else situated slightly behind me perhaps(???)), whereby i saw this very crippled and rib-thin, Alsatian-coloured, very large and powerful (fore-limbs and shoulders) wolf-type creature moving past us(???), with its head turned it my direction, and its large-toothed mouth open...

I noticed that its rear left leg had a chunk of flesh missing from the knee part - and that this was what was causing it to move in such a slow and crippled way???...

I remember another male passing by, understandably not wishing to get close to it - and another male (in traditional horse-riding gear) riding a large brown horse did the same...

I remember feeling concerned (pity???) for such a creature, as i said to it, 'you're not going to attack me if i try to help you, are you???' - upon which, said creature rolled on its back with its underside skywards, as it to say, 'no i'm not, i just need some help', as i walked closer towards it - end of dream segment...

In the second scene i was walking down the centre of a street (accompanied once again i think), whereby a group of horses were passing/trotting/running(???) by inth opposite direction...

One was left standing by / accompanying us - it seemed to be rather angry / emotionally wounded / agitated - with me saying something like 'well it's not me that has wronged you in anyway, is it???'...

...Resulting in me tentatively stroking its upper lip with one of my fore-fingers, hoping that it wasn't going to bite it in anger/frustration/dislike - before then stroking the length of its front face with the full palm of one of my hands, as i gained its trust/acceptance more...

And in the third and final scene i seemed to be walking down a hedge-rowed country lane...

...And during a particularly narrow part, walking very closely passed some fairly small dark-furred creatures that were situated within the left-hand-side hedge-row - they all seemed to be particularly happy and welcoming...

...And then, along a wider part of said country lane, there were a number of small and friendly furry animals 'dancing' along-side us as we walked - with a stoat-like animal running onto and up and down my body repeatedly, with me feeling slightly unsure as to its motivations - end of dream sequence...

I actually went to be early last night - shortly after 10 pm if my memory serves me correctly...

And upon waking i couldn't really recall such dream segments with very much clarity and depth at all - apart from the pool one perhaps...

It can be interesting to note that once the mind tries(???) to recall them within greater depth and clarity, the more enriched/developed they seem to become...

Shortly before arising from my bed i remember realising how very relaxed and contented i was feeling - a state/sense of well-being that has thus far been carried forwards into my day btw...