16 Nov



How best to explain/relate it...

...Ohhhh kaaaay...

The setting seemed very much to have been in the future...

...Whereby a group of male explorers(???)/visitors(???) were positioned somewhere close to the north pole perhaps...

They were discussing with interest how the land had shifted...

And that they could tell that such a lateral shifting of landmass had taken place, due to the position of such a comparatively newly-formed general uplifting/ rounded-'ridge' of landmass that now ran from the pole (???) downwards towards the equator, in relation to Japan - Japan was spoken of specifically, within such a context...

I must have asked the 'how do you know' question...

...Resulting in me moving from within the darkness where i had been thus far positioned, rightwards into the daylight...

It was then that i clearly saw, in full detailed colour, such an uplifted rounded-'ridge' of land, moving wave/snake-like (almost/slightly mirage(???)-like, in a way) to the right - before moving likewise back to its original position once again...

There was absolutely no vegetation to be seen...

...And no snow or wetness of any kind either...

The landscape was completely arid...

...And was yellowish/sandish coloured...

...A little like smooth, fairly uniform rock with a light sprinkling of sand perhaps...

Such a continuous 'mountain range'/rounded-'ridge'/upliftment was completely smooth - with no sharp edges to be seen whatsoever...

And that was it folks...

What i find to be of interest is that the previous night consisted of what would seem to have been a two-part dream - with this, once again completely unbidden one, possibly comprising the third, later (chronologically speaking) part???...