05 Oct


The reason that i feel that i cannot, in all good conscience, relate/share such a dream, is that it would necessitate me sharing some rather sensitive, within dream, details with regard to two rather prominent, still incarnate, individuals...

So let's just say that, within such a dream, one of them was, seemingly secretly, having an affair, and that i was the personal bodyguard of such a person, and upon realising that such an affair was taking place, and upon later discussing such a situation with two other bodyguards who enquired into what action, if any, i intended to take, i replied that i felt dutybound to personally inform her 'other half' / partner about such details...

Tis, of course, simply a dream that may, or may not, be reflective, in some way, of reality - a dream remembrance that i have chosen to include within DREAMS, on this 'ere (currently private) website of O/ours, simply as a possible personal future memory jogger - with (given my rather dodgy memory) the word 'possible' very much being the operative word of course...