29 Oct


I was playing a game of mixed doubles within a large room - we were all in our normal clothes - and people were passively observing, with seemingly little interest really...

I was on the left hand side of our half of the court, and Meghan was on the right...

Opposite me, on the other side of the net, was (princess) Kate, and opposite Meghan was (king) Charles...

Our opponents were much better than us, and Meghan seemed to be slightly better than myself...

It was rather a mismatch really - with me seemingly unable to return a single shot - whilst Meghan did indeed manage to return some to Kate...

It didn't seem to matter to either Meghan or myself who won really, so it was all rather perfunctory really...

Whilst playing i remember thinking that Meghan and myself weren't really playing as a team, but rather as two completely independent individuals, as there was absolutely no interaction (either in words or gestures / eye contact) between the two of us - in a similar way, perhaps, as there was no similar interaction between our opponents - and with (king) Charles seemingly taking it most seriously out of the four of us...

Sometime after such a rather short game i walked up to (king) Charles, who asked me how long i intended to stay for - to which i replied that i intended to stay overnight and leave early the next morning - with (king) Charles seemingly taking exception, as he seemingly didn't want me staying overnight...

Our conversation ended with me offering my hand, and (king) Charles accepting by shaking it, rather formally, in return, amidst mutual eye contact - after which i wandered off and walked around in search of a bathroom - eventually finding one (after seeing another male peeing on the carpet), but, alas, it was out of commission (the toilet being full to the brim with water(???)), resulting in me contemplating whether to pee in the sink instead...

I wandered down fairly wide paths and into a sort of conservatory full(???) of botanical plants - one of which seemed to have a rather strange (chlorophyll green, slightly protruding snout and leaf-scaled tortoise-like back) animal hanging almost vertically onto the main stem as if it was part of the plant itself - i bent down in contemplation of touching/stroking it as it watched me in seemingly full awareness...

Upon awakening i pondered such a dream, and (king) Charles' verbal interaction with myself, in particular...

My mind then went to a reply that i received to a comment, followed by three self-replies that i had made the day before in relation to an 'ai summit' article (where some Chinese experts/delegates have been seemingly rather controversially invited) within the online Daily Telegraph - with the remembrance of such a comment and replies seemingly being very much prompted by thoughts that went through my mind upon awakening inth morning of the same day - thoughts that had come to mind after being Told 'We need to see you' (or Words to such effect) prior to going to bed the night before (a second such Request on two successive evenings actually - with the one before also resulting in me awakening with certain thoughts in my head which resulted in me feeling the need to make a comment onth Daily Telegraph also actually) - with such a reply being as follows...

'sata? SATA? Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (with Packet Interface)? The thing that took over from PATA? To the power of n?Imagine suddenly walking into a room and, without warning, making the pronouncements you just did (including replying to yourself)(and using lots of parentheses). Well, that's what you just did. And in a comment section where people are likely to be posting all sorts of ChatGPT output for a laugh…' ...

A reply that i replied to as follows btw...

'I take it that it wasn't to your liking then, James??? - horses for courses eh - and speeds of data transfer rates expressed in a perhaps (for some anyway/inevitably perhaps) personally perceived unwelcoming way...' ...

So anyway, such a reply by 'James', together with (king) Charles' and myself's interactions made me wonder whether i was being told that my Daily Telegraph comments were no longer welcome - which then resulted in the realisation being seemingly Given/Imparted to/upon, and through, my mind that such a comment followed by three self replies (together with two reply others and my replies to them) could be seen as similar to lines of computer code, predominantly written by myself - with such a reassuring realisation resulting in me typing the following second reply to 'James' after arising from my bed...

'A string of text (rather like coding perhaps) predominantly typed by a single individual - within a computer related article too - hmmm, rather fitting, perhaps, when viewed within such a context eh, James...' ...

...Resulting in me feeling rather better about myself, and thus my spirits being buoyed once again - pretty cool huh - the upliftment that such seemingly Imparted fitting 'explanations' from upon High can have upon one's being / state of mind eh...

So anyway, for purposes of completion, here are all of the typed interactions made by myself and two others within the comments section of such an article...

Comment at 10:01 onth 28 October 2023...

Well, we don't want history repeating itself, again, do we ( such a possibly repeating scenario could become rather tedious after all)...

When (in our current language (ways of expressing ourselves) anyway perhaps) the 'satan of the west' possibly duked it out with the 'satan of the east', taking all who survived/remained back to what we commonly (but perhaps rather errantly eh) call 'the stone age'...

'Thinking is the best way to (time) travel' eh - well, perhaps, anyway, who knows eh - it's a perspective after all Jim, but possibly not as we know it eh...

Self reply at 10:02...

Mind you, having said that, maybe it would be a good thing, who knows eh...

2nd self reply at 10:11...

'A question of balance', eh...

3rd self reply at 10:24...

Just to be clear, the 'satan' i refer to is based upon 'satan' being interpreted from / equal to a 'sata to the power of n' perspective btw...

An Anderson's reply at 10:22...

That’s a lot of parentheses.

My reply at 10:28...

And a nested one too, An - spoilt i tell thee, spoilt...

James Staples' reply at circa 11:02...

sata? SATA? Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (with Packet Interface)? The thing that took over from PATA? To the power of n?Imagine suddenly walking into a room and, without warning, making the pronouncements you just did (including replying to yourself)(and using lots of parentheses). Well, that's what you just did. And in a comment section where people are likely to be posting all sorts of ChatGPT output for a laugh…

My reply at 11:54...

I take it that it wasn't to your liking then, James??? - horses for courses eh - and speeds of data transfer rates expressed in a perhaps (for some anyway/inevitably perhaps) personally perceived unwelcoming way...

My 2nd reply to James Staples at 7:57am onth 29 October 2023...

A string of text (rather like coding perhaps) predominantly typed by a single individual - within a computer related article too - hmmm, rather fitting, perhaps, when viewed within such a context eh, James...