10 Oct


I had sort of forgotten this one, but it was brought to my attention once again after i had/was just finishing typing the previous 'cheesy' dream - making me think that it was somehow important to do include it within this 'ear DREAMS...

I was seemingly watching/accompanying another male who had gained access to a certain premise, within a rather specific time period, rather late in the evening (around 10:30 pm i think)...

The operative/person with me had unscrewed a previously practised fairly chunky oblong-shaped, possibly light(???)/fairly vibrant(in a somewhat dull/matt-coloured sense) military(???)-type green coloured, plastic (with integral heat-releasing/cooling plastic fins as an integral part of the outer design/construction/covering) mechanical(???)/electrical(???) product, and was placing two smallish, magnet-like(???) oblong shaped dull metal objects (one at seemingly rather specific(???)/convenient(???) positions), at either opposite inner long side/end - before seemingly doing the same with another similar(???)/similarly-sized(???) but unseen product, with a more spidery(???) electronic(???), spyware(???)/surveillance(???)/monitoring(???), type of device being secretly/unknowingly installed...

The same type of covert operation occurred on another, later, evening by myself and a rather smallish (5' 6/7" perhaps???) and slimly built (7 to 8 stones in weight perhaps???)  friendly, shortishly and rather relaxedly styled black-haired and black-clothed (crew-necked, log sleeved knitted(???) top/jumper - together with black corded(???) pants/trousers, and black shoes(???)) female (as if i had now been suitably trained perhaps???)...

...However, on this occasion it took place seemingly rather later than the actually planned time (an hour or so later perhaps???) - due to me forgetting / becoming lost/self-absorbed within other activities perhaps (surprise surprise eh)...

I think, upon this occasion, possibly because of such a later than planned time period, such a covert by nature task/role was assigned to someone else instead...

...With me seemingly present, amongst a group of others (five or six of us perhaps???) in a purely observational capacity...

Anyway, on this occasion we were interrupted by a reasonably youngish black security guard of medium height and build (his face and body looked to, reflect / be in, a good/healthy/trained state/condition), with/carrying a lit tube-shaped flash-light (of a silver(???)/black(???) colour), who was presumably doing one of his nightly rounds within such a warehouse(???) (he was wearing a predominantly matt (mediumish/mid???) grass-green coloured, fairly (but not overly/particularly tight) close(ish) fitting boiler-suit type of uniform)...

...Anyway, rather fortunately perhaps, amongst such surprise, we had a similarly dressed member of OUR (regularly socialising perhaps???) team/group (who was also carrying a clip-board btw) trying to explain that a presumably rather impromptu inspection was taking place, and that everything was completely, above board / right and proper / okay...

Thus signalled a rather abrupt/sudden end to such a dream...

There was another, outdoor, scene that took place within a rather crowded (fairly average type manual worker type people, wearing a variety of fairly average/relaxed every-day clothing perhaps) environment, with said people milling around in a non-specific type of way - as if some sort of undercover(???)/dodgy trading was perhaps taking place??? ('pssst pssst - got anything interesting today guv???' (perhaps with regard to predominantly onr individual in particular???) - but not overtly so - in a more gentle/relaxed/'everyday' nature perhaps)...

Within such an environment there was a reasonably oldishly((???)/middle-aged(???)/not particularly maintained/taken care of??? - not particularly/overly clean perhaps???) short-lengthed (fairly chunky/broad(???)) white van parked onth (reasonably sparse (but by no means overly)) grass, tending slightly towards the middle-left/back middle of such a slowly/relaxedly milling crowd (with perhaps some fairly low, flat-roofed (slightly worn-out and wooden(???)) buildings) - whose owner (a fairly large well-fed, middle-ishly aged (fairly scruffy/unkempt fairly averagely lengthed,  fairly/reasonably lightish, greasyish/unwashed brown haired perhaps???) white male, (who may have been wearing a rather worn/faded-brown one-piece, double strap over the shoulders-holding, boiler-type suit (with silver/metal buttons perhaps???) - farmer type looks and clothing/apparel)  (with a full/chubby face with ruddy/veiny cheeks and a drinkers nose perhaps??? - and of a 5' 11/2" to 6' tall, 13 to possibly 15+ stone corpulent/weighty stature perhaps???)))) seemed to very much be 'the man to go to see yeah', who was generally/clearly(???) recognised as being the comparatively main/big fish (the organiser) amongst such a group of people...