22 May


I awoke fairly early on Sunday morning (8 May 2022) and began pondering - this then resulted in me connecting clearly with a very deep sadness indeed - a level/depth of sadness that i had never experienced or connected to/with before, and one that i did not know the basis of - although i had connected to it during a few of my fully dressed conscious states, more recently, previous to this, but not nearly as deeply...

So anyway, i Asked what this was, and was Told by a Female Voice, 'I will show you tonight' (or Words to such effect) - to which i Replied 'i need to go to the toilet, and will then return and try to fall asleep again, so maybe You could show me then instead' (or Words to such effect) - which, upon doing so, resulted in me experiencing the following short 'dream'...

It started off with me stood outside (possibly upon a (fairly high???) rock plateau) during a late and dark evening - looking out towards the sky at a large and wide, fairly long cylindrical vehicle/object with rounded, almost half-ball/spherical, ends...

Such an object was coloured greyish-blueish-silver, and had several laterally oblong opaque, light greyish-silver 'windows' along the sides and front/rear...

It was positioned slightly to my left, and was travelling away from me at a seemingly fairly sedate pace...

It was 'towing' some silverish strung-together unknown, smaller and comparatively flimsy, objects that were separated from one-another by a silverish 'string/cord-like' material that was moving as if being slowly blown up and down by an invisible, fairly harmonic, wind...

Such an object was disappearing quite quickly from sight into the night sky as it travelled further and further away from me - where-upon i found myself bending at the back to try to see 'underneath' it - where-upon i found that it became temporarily somewhat visible to my curious eyes once again...

Twas then that i saw a jet-black sun-like circular object in the distance, directly in front of me - it was coming directly towards me at a fairly fast rate, and had a number of seemingly separate blood-red areas of flames upon its surface...

Such was the surprising effect of seeing such an object, that it caused me to inwardly exclaim, 'what the F*CK is that!?!', as it came ever closer towards my still somewhat crouched body...

In the event, it passed, seemingly very closely, directly over me - but as it was doing so it changed into an identically shaped and sized cylindrical vehicle/object to/as the one that i had only very recently seen travelling away from me, slightly to my left - however, as far as i know, this one didn't seem to be 'towing' anything behind it...

And that is where such a 'dream' came to a rather sudden end - as the shock of its close proximity and passage seemingly caused me to return to full consciousness once again - i say 'full consciousness', as upon reaching such a state i realised, for the first time, that i had never actually been fully asleep throughout the whole of such a 'dream' unfoldment...

There is only one extra detail to add to such a 'dream' remembrance, and that is, whilst i was watching the first cylindrical vessel/object moving away from me, during the early stages of such a 'dream', i saw another identical vessel/object farther away to my right - it was moving towards me, but ever further rightwards as it did so - it also didn't seem to be towing anything behind it...

My initial, post-'dream', reaction was that such a 'dream' was a portent of something cataclysmic to be visited upon planet Earth, and that such a jet-black and blood-red fiery object was something akin to the rumoured 'Nibiru' - with such a Nibiru-like object being an approaching second/binary collapsed sun - with such an earlier experienced very deep sadness perhaps being explained by a, before, subconscious knowing/understanding of such an impending doom...

However, during the afternoon, as i was sat in front of my laptop whilst generally surfing the net, another possible perspective came seemingly unbidden to my mind - what if such a 'dream' was a remembrance, rather that a portent??? - this seemed like it could indeed be a better fit for such an earlier experienced very deep sadness...

Maybe in my previous???/last??? incarnate state i was on a different planet orbiting a different sun, and that, as was perhaps somewhat muted within the Another Short Story blog, i am indeed one of perhaps many 'refugees' currently incarnate upon, for us, 'foster' planet Earth...

Yep, strange i know, but hey, as is said, sometimes fact can be stranger than fiction - and, if so, then maybe this could go some way towards explaining why i have always seemingly been a somewhat underlyingly saddened individual, feeling like a bit of a misfit here on planet Earth???...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter happens to be, i guess i will either find out about it in much greater detail upon my return Home, after this physical vehicle of expression of mine 'bites the dust', or we will all soon(???) be experiencing some sort of seemingly major cataclysm here on good ole planet Earth...

Seeing exactly three cylindrical vehicles/objects, within such a 'dream', is rather interesting though, isn't it - given my often expressed 'threeness' especially - and exactly what they represented, symbolically or otherwise, is, at present, completely unknown to me...