23 Jul


I think i remembered this particular dream on the morning of 16/17 July...

It started off in a simple white-walled room in which there was a fairly large wooden oblong dining table - JJ was stood on the other table length side from me, with a white dinner plate, with a small amount of food upon it, in her hand, as if about to place it on the already set table, with Rhio stood slightly behind me and to my left - the atmosphere was one of silent/subdued mindfulness...

Anyway, i silently took the plate from JJ and walked into a smaller, similar, adjacent dining room where John (Lennon) and some other indistinct males were stood (John was stood in the far left corner of said room) and simply placed the plate on the smaller dining table for him, as if to say 'you are no longer welcome at our table' - with a somewhat tall and very slim/skinny (very narrow shoulders) John having a small oval-ish shiny mid-green scaly (fairly large scales) skinned face, with certain distinguishing/recognisable features on it - yeah, strange, i know...

Addendum at 27 July 2024...

I had assumed that i had included the word 'Silurian', as a race of beings, to describe the 'mid-green scaly' within-dream representation of John...

And i had further assumed that i had described such a green colour as being a 'chlorophyll' green colour...

So, needless to say, yesterday i was somewhat surprised to find that i had done neither...

Yesterday being the day that i found out that the word Silurian apparently relates to a hypothesis regarding the possibility of previous civilisations having come into being and then later vanished within the habitable history of planet Earth...

So, with that now in mind, i am left wondering whether such a strange within-dream depiction of John is telling us that 'yes' there have indeed been previous races inhabitant upon planet Earth, and that such a description describes the visible appearance of one such previous race, and that John depicting one, within such a dream, is simply a way of informing us that such a physical vehicle of expression was simply another of many that 'we' have incarnated within along our long Evolutionary journey here on planet Earth???...