30 Nov


From my perspective at least, it is sometimes the general theme of a dream that can appear more important (perhaps anyway) than the details therein - the general picture that is painted, if you will...

The general theme of the one i have just (in the earlier hours of this morning), experienced / been Given, reminds me of (the theme of) what President Donald Trump quite rightly (in my personal opinion) fairly recently said, when (if my memory serves me correctly) talking about otherwise 'dodgy' people generally/potentially being okay until, perhaps, you owe them money...

Sometimes it is simply better to swallow your pride and go without - rather than perhaps feeling the need 'to keep up with the Jones's' by borrowing money that you can ill-afford...

Especially so with the so-called 'festive season' fast approaching - one would most readily suggest...

As a matter of possible interest, i have chosen, of my own free-will, not to fully, indulge / actively take part, in a traditional Xmas for many years now...

Sure, i tend to buy myself some Xmas 'goodies' if you will - maybe some 'nice'/'special' bottles of alcoholic beverage, and/or some festive foodstuffs such as some 'extra special' chocolate, stollen, panettone, and Xmas pudding for example...

But i simply don't partake in the buying of Xmas presents or cards - which, rather conveniently perhaps, leaves my wallet 'happily' able/ready to buy more necessary/valuable (future???) items, and my mind less burdensome (if only comparatively speaking) than it/they would otherwise be/feel as i go into the month of January and beyond...

And to be perfectly honest, i actually quite enjoy a relatively quiet 'festive period', where my free-will choices have rather welcomely freed me from what, is / can sometimes be, termed as 'satan's claws' (Santa Claus dahlings)...

Far, far better than having to worry about what, possibly karmically laden, activities/deeds/services we may be forced(???) to do/perform in order to satisfy/placate a possibly somewhat angry/aggrieved 'dodgy' and possibly spiritually/karmically ignorant/uncaring lender (or, perhaps, what level of beating/violence we may be subjected to), one would most readily suggest - a lender whom may not realise, or indeed care (at the present moment in time perhaps anyway), that 'what we do unto others, we also (later) do unto ourselves'...
