In this particular dream i was stood inside a brightly lit and fairly narrow rectangular women's beauty/hair type of salon - a number of attractive fairly young women were sat in chairs that were positioned in front of a row of adjoining mirrors, with a number of them sat sideways, looking at me, and with many of them being topless - with me doing my best not to look directly at their naked boobs...
Anyway, a similarly aged female, wearing a white buttoned-up smock (obviously a salon owner/employee) told me that i looked about/around 30 years of age, and with others readily/smilingly agreeing - with me responding by saying 'don't be ridiculous' (my incarnate mindset playing its part, as is sometimes/often(???) the case within dream-state remembrances) - and that pretty much ended such a short dream remembrance...
Upon awakening and later appraisal/pondering, i found this to be interesting, for it could answer the question of why i seem to attract the attention of seemingly many attractive younger females whilst in my out-of-body dream remembrances, as well as possibly affirming stuff that i have read, which states that many(???) of Us tend towards a visual age of late 20's after shedding our mortal coils and settling into the afterlife - and as i have always thought that I must look a lot more attractive when in the out-of-body state than i am when in the within-body state, it would very much seem to possibly constitute a very favourable 'silver lining' for me - and possibly also explains why i generally have no problem openly acknowledging certain males as being blessed with good looks, without being at all resentful, whilst being within-body :-) :-) :-) ...
Addendum at 16 Jan 2025...
Sometime yesterday i realised that i have always assumed that i would be male when i pass over to the afterLife - and then, sometime within the same timeframe, this dream came to mind - with me realising/wondering 'why would a male be in what would most obviously seem to be a female salon'...
Anyway, also within the same overall timeframe, a very clear Voice said to me, 'Let me make this easy for you', followed by something like 'We are all androgynous Beings' (although i cannot be sure that this part is entirely/precisely verbatim - maybe it was simply 'We are androgynous Beings' - something very close to this anyway) ...
...So, yeah, it was rather unexpected really - something new for me to get my head around - and, most obviously something that i silently questioned, in the sense of wondering whether it was in actual fact true or not...
...And something that i most obviously needed to process - hence me simply choosing to allude to such a possibility within my Bits N Bobs entries on 15 Jan 2025 - as a sort of possible remembrance marker/pointer, if you will...
So does simply being Told that We are all androgynous Beings (outside of Our physical body) actually mean that it is true??? - well, it is most certainly food for thought isn't it - something that we will only know the truth of after we shed our mortal coils and return Home, surely :-) :-) :-) ...