07 Feb


I had just entered a small, modern, clothes-cluttered, white-walled, semi-dethatched (lolz) type of 'ouse on a bright sunny day...

And as i was walking/scrambling my way through't 'all i heard the distinct and very clear voices of Paul (McCartney) and John (boy Lennon - my pet name for 'im (pretty cool huh) - :-) :-) :-)) seemingly following behind me, whilst talking/chatting amicably with one-another (John was talking about politics), within a degree of seemingly shared enthusiasm - 'what a really cool guy John seems', thought i (yeah, strange/surprising, i know) ...

Tis the very first time that i 'ave 'ad a dream (segment) with either of them in it actually - maybe tis a sign (a sign i tell thee) that John and i are getting on better with each other eh - we have been for quite some time now actually (well, from my perspective at least) :-) ;-) :-) ...