Some dreams, although on very rare occasions indeed, can seem very real indeed - just as if i am feelings things in a very real sense, as if taking place in fully conscious physical life - and such was the case in this supposed second remembered dream of the night...
Princess Catherine had drowned in fairly shallow water - and i realised that her fully clothed body had been laying prone beneath the surface of such a still body of water for quite some time, before realising that action needed to be taken - thus causing me to duly come to her attempted rescue...
Initially, i was trying to resuscitate her body whilst it still lay horizontally prone - however, i was having no success, so moved it, rag-doll-like, into a slightly more upwardly inclined position before trying, this time successfully, to resuscitate it once again...
...And whilst doing so i could feel Catherine's chest physically moving up and down as i pumped said chest repeatedly with both hands, as if very much in physical reality...
...With the strange thing being that once Catherine's body/chest started responding to such efforts it began the process of removing water from the lungs through her mouth whilst her head was still underwater (such being the sometimes strange nature of dreams i guess) ...
...Anyway, twas at such a point that i raised her head out of said shallow water and held it there until she regained full consciousness...
...At which point we embraced one-another fully and completely/unreservedly within an extended mutually heart-felt hug...
...For me, twas as if out of sheer concerned relief - whereas for Catherine, twas borne more out of deep gratitude - and within such a shared moment, twas as if a deep bond was being forged between the two of us...
...And during such a shared moment i remember being somewhat aware of onlookers being present nearby - however, such was the nature of such a moment that such considerations were over-ridden by the said forging of such a deep, mutually felt/experienced, bond - dreams huh (symbolic or otherwise) :-) :-) :-) ...