01 Aug


I was walking down the street, alongside a long straight road...

Tyson (Fury) was approaching me from the opposite direction...

He was carrying a more than 3/4 eaten packet of biscuits in his upraised left hand...

It was a round tubular packet in a predominantly blue (and white) plastic covering/packaging...

I got the impression that the remaining round and disc-shaped biscuits within, where of (or similar to) the custard cream variety - with the cream in the centre/middle of two biscuit halves...

Anyway, as i was passing i took said remaining biscuits away from him...

I think i might have told him that they were not good for him as part of his training/preparation regimen and that he wasn't to have them anymore - or maybe i simply thought it...

I get the impression that such biscuits were perhaps symbolic of his carbohydrate intake in general, and that too much carbo-loading could/would slow him down and make him sluggish (if only comparatively - or maybe such biscuits are symbolic of the nutritional quality/purity of Tyson's carbohydrate intake (does he employ a highly qualified nutritionist i wonder)) - and that such a strategy may cause him to tire in later rounds, if the fight indeed went that far(???)...

You might think i was brave, or indeed rather reckless in doing such a thing / taking such action, but within such a dream we knew and were friends with each other, so no biggie eh...