04 Oct


Well this dream took part within a very largely impressive room of a rather crowded estate type property...

I was interacting with a fairly slim-framed, quietly spoken, suited gentleman of a lesser height than myself - we were chatting about David Beckham, who, within such a dream at least, was seeking to be knighted - with me sharing the opinion that i saw such a quest as constituting a rather vain-glorious, service-to-self form of self-aggrandization (within a somewhat disapprovingly, humorously detached, 'well if that's what floats his boat', sort of way) ...

...But with said other person being of the opinion that, 'well if that is his mission in life, then why not' sort of way - and those, dear friends, simply constituted the bare bones of such a dream - within a possibly 'less is more' type of way, at least i guess, lolz...