26 Jun


I actually had this dream around a week or so ago now - whether it reflects reality or not is completely unknown to me of course - i didn't feel any point in sharing it initially, but after very recently reconsidering it, i decided to do so, so here goes...

Both David and i were sat on fairly ordinary/basic chairs, at a fairly ordinary/basic rectangular table, with me sat to the immediate left of David - and, although i can no longer remember the exact words, i remember saying something like, 'it's all there' and then tap-slapping the right hand side of David's cheek with my right fingers / open palm twice in quick succession in a 'wake up' / 'get with the script' sort of way - which was completely atypical of me really, as i have never done such a thing to another person whilst in the physical, and indeed would never consider doing such to another person...

In effect, the message i was really trying to convey with such words and actions was that you simply can't expect to successfully blag your way through your Life Review and expect to get away with it, 'scott-free', if you will - with the most obvious reason being that every thought, word, and action is Recorded on an ongoing basis, so such an obviously errant notion is completely preposterous/crazy really - anyway, in the next scene i was sat on on the immediate left side of the table to where i was sat before, watching David continuing to, seemingly happily, non-audibly, blabber/chunner on about whatever he was blabbing/chunnering on about, seemingly completely oblivious/unaffected by my earlier exchange/sharing/advice with/to him - end of dream...