08 Aug


I suppose all visions, by their very nature, are somewhat unusual - but hey, here's mine...

I was looking at the sun from a perspective that was unhindered by any atmospheric conditions - so it would seem that it was from a perspective very much above planet Earth, within the void of outer space...

The sun's surface could very much be likened to the still/calm surface of a lake - and its colour was of a dull(ish), somewhat greyish, yellow...

Something between a shimmer ('a quivering or vibrating motion') and a ripple seemed to be pushing through to, and throughout, its surface...

A calm, predominantly male voice said, 'this is what it's like' (at a non-physical level perhaps???)...

At the time of experiencing such a vision, i very much felt/sensed that this happens to each and every star - so from this perspective such a voice could, one supposes, have equally said, 'this is what happens'...

It would very much seem that i was then 'pushed' out of my sleeping state into a waking state - with my mind clear and calm, and my heart-rate slow and relaxed...

...As if that was all i was allowed to see/experience perhaps...

Whether such a shimmering/rippling energy was emanating from the centre of the sun, or from an external source, such as the centre of the galaxy perhaps, is unknown to me - however, from my visual perspective, it was as if such an energy was perhaps passing through the whole of the sun, from behind...

It would seem that such an energy was non-physical in nature, as there were no coronal mass ejections evident whatsoever - so, clearly, no physical object had 'splashed'/impacted through/into the sun's surface...

The only thing i can suppose is that 'this is what it's like' would perhaps seem to suggest that i had earlier in my sleep state asked some sort of question - and that such a visual experience perhaps comprised/constituted, in part at least, an answer to such a supposed question???...

Anyway, that was it - in no way a momentous vision, but, for me, an interesting / thought-provoking one never-the-less...