23 Sep


This dream turned out to be a continuation of another dream i had been having, whereby i had been in a fairly large square, fairly dark/dim, room with a fairly high ceiling, both selecting and buying six (to be picked up later), twice as large and twice as thin, second-hand film dvd's from a fairly young female sales assistant and her male counter-part, whom i counted and then gave the money to...

Anyway, having then walked down the stairs to such an above ground store, that a little later loosely reminded/connected me of/to the Waterstones bookshop in Manchester (but without any windows), i then, after a certain 'blank' pause, found myself to be walking back up said stairs, with what turned out to be Alan Hansen...

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, instead of turning left, back into the room where i had been buying said dvd's, we turned right and started walking down the length of such a comfortably more illuminated room...

Twas at this point, in actual fact, that i realised that Alan was walking alongside me on my right-hand-side...

Anyway, as we were making our way down the length of such a room i noticed my attention being directed, particularly, towards a man who was standing behind one particular desk to my left, upon which was seemingly populated by books stacked laterally across its surface - said man was smiling uncertainly at me, before then doing so no more - i think it was because i felt that i didn't know him, at all, and so simply wondered, within a certain confusion, why his attention was being drawn to me in particular, in such a way/manner...

Anyway, walking further on, i then noticed a somewhat younger, more naturally amenable/effusive (in a somewhat more naturally outgoing way) man, smiling at me also - with me, once again, wondering why he, in particular, was doing so also - such a room was in actual fact populated by a number of other individuals who were more faded into the background / indistinct, and more naturally preoccupied with whatever was preoccupying each of them i guess...

Anyway, i then found such a naturally blonde, floppy-haired, physically strong and healthy younger man, (who was dressed in quite a relaxed sort of way, wearing an open-necked light/white-coloured shirt, v-necked cashmere-type sweater and trousers) to be walking rather affably towards me - and as he passed me closely by, on my left-hand-side, i found myself to be gently slapping/tapping(with the back of my hand)/pinching his nearside outer thigh, as he did so - as if, through such a physical gesture, conveying to him, in a friendly way, that under less serious / more relaxed circumstances i would find him to be a very welcomingly inviting individual to hang out socially with, in a purely friendly way...

Upon reflection, the further down such a room we walked, the brighter/lighter / more inviting it became, in actual fact...

Anyway (yet again lolz), we both then turned right, into what seemed to be a somewhat smaller, still open-planned, room - and as we continued walking (and just before seemingly stopping) Alan then said to me, within fairly relaxed, matter-of-fact, conversation, 'when did you start writing me off???' - to which i replied, 'a couple of weeks ago or more now'...

...With me then correcting myself by saying that it was actually over a month ago or more, upon then realising that more time had passed than i had thought - i then went on to further say, 'i'm sorry but i don't like death' - simply meaning that i didn't like the death process and seeing people going through it...

The then conclusion of such a dream woke me up, at around 7:15 this morning, causing me to ponder its contents within more focussed, and still relaxed, detail, before then deciding to get up and start my day by typing it up before its details possibly starting fading out of consciousness...

An interesting and completely unexpected short dream to have had - oh, i have just remembered - whilst within such a final room of such a dream, Alan either (unspokenly???) told me, or i simply rightly or wrongly discerned, that he had been going through / undergoing some cancer treatment...