04 Dec


This, earlier this morning, dream was in two parts/scenes...

In the first part/scene i was simply stood to the immediate left of King Charles, and at an equal height to him - whereby i was verbally advising him - albeit in a somewhat socially awkward / nervous manner...

In the second part/scene i was assisting him by passing several (around five perhaps???) reasonably chunky black rectangular objects, which were the size of large, current day, mobile phones, over to him - they had been located in a wooden front-doored box that was positioned on the carpeted floor, immediately to the left front side of a fairly large bed - twas vey similar to an object / piece of furniture that used to be located in my living-room and positioned against the wall to the left of my computer desk actually...

Anyway, immediately after doing so, the King asked if i had found three other similar objects yet - to which i replied that i hadn't...

However, after then looking back inside such a box, from my still crouched position, i did indeed manage to locate all three such objects, which had been hidden amongst a disarray of other stuff - however, the tops of these particular, otherwise identical, objects were inclined downwards from top left to right at an angle of around 15 degrees or less perhaps???...

I think this part/scene ended with me arising from my knees and going in pursuit of the King in order to offer them to him also...

Oh, and lest i forget...

There was an earlier part to such a dream, whereby, stood at the other, main window situated, side of such a large and fairly old-fashioned-looking bed, i remember looking at some transparently-bagged cannabis and selecting one such bag for myself, after having smelled its rather alluring/nice nose-perceived contents...

...And then, after having moved to the box onth, previously stated, other side of the bed, i found myself to be holding a much larger transparent bag, containing what must have been many ounces / kilos(??? perchance) of cannabis (twas at least / equal to the size of said box actually) - a bag that i placed onto the carpeted floor next to / aside both box and bed - and a bag that i rather hastily placed a white shirt/cloth partially over as / just before(???) King Charles was entering such a room (and no, i have not been partaking of any cannabis, for quite some time actually - just in case the reader of these words may be wondering - since before i made this 'ere website of O/our open/available to the general public once again, actually (since mid September actually)) ...

I find the timing of this dream to be fairly interesting, with respect to two comments that i had made within The Daily Telegraph the day before, actually...

The first of which didn't get published two days ago within the Daily Mail Online btw...

Tis as follows...

'Twas Colonel Mustard wot done it...

He found the letter inth Study...

Be careful upon approaching him though, as he is carrying a concealed dagger...'

Such a light-hearted and somewhat tongue-in-cheek comment was, in actual fact, made in reference to the somewhat old and formally very popular 'Cluedo' board game - with such a Daily Mail article stating that attentions were now being focussed on three(???) Buckingham Palace employees, with respect to the question of who had leaked the names (King Charles & Princess Catherine) of those who had allegedly (within a letter written by Princess Meghan(???) apparently) made rascist remarks with regard to the possible skin colour of Harry and Meghan's still unborn child....

...With the name 'Cluedo' being fairly interesting in itself actually - albeit in a rather amusingly coincidental way - for 'Cluedo' could also be written as 'clue doh', with the 'doh' being representative of 'Double Oh Heaven', the name / moniker under which i offer my Daily Mail Online comments...

And with the second, somewhat belated (or was it simply unknowingly/unintentionally well-timed???), and supportive, comment being as follows...

'As a mere commoner with absolutely no axe to grind and no social status to uphold, i would very much like to say the following...

I have always very much liked Prince Harry, as he has always seemed to be the most approachable, likeable, and genuine of the Royal Family - the common man's hero, if you will...

And i have always, rightly or wrongly, very much seen him as being the apple of his rather wonderful mother's eye...' ...

Such a comment received the following three replies, btw...

PJ Griffiths reply...

Uum. Times have moved on.

eileen bates reply...


Lord Evelyn Oakleigh's reply...

Then get professional help.

I actually chose to purposely only reply to the third of such comments - which i did so in the following manner...

'Seeing as it is my birthday today, LEO, i will choose to show some class by refraining from blowing out such a feeble 'flame' as presented by yourself...' ...

For the reason for specifically mentioning my birthday, being that two John Lennon articles (both of which were by the same person/author and published at the identical times of 12:01 am on 3 December 2023), with regard to his assassination/murder (five bullets were fired - of which four hit, and killed John) were published five days before the 43rd anniversary of his death - something that i found to be rather curious - as if it may have possibly been intended to have been a personal warning to me, rather than mere coincidence...

...I have, after all, accumulated quite a number of rather contentious offered comments within various online newspapers over the years - the most recent of which have been made within the fairly far right attracting Daily Telegraph readership - whereas i, by often rather stark comparison, am rather an oft(???) Inspired, seemingly rather contentiously perceived, independent thunker...

Anyway, in the name of completion, and for possible reference, here are the links to the earlier mentioned two comments made by myself onth 3 December 2023...

1) ...

‘Omid Scobie’s book is a hatchet job on the Royal family’ - Telegraph readers debate the biggest topics of this week - from Omid Scobie's Endgame to the Elgin Marbles row


2) ...

Harry and Meghan not invited to Duke of Westminster's wedding - Hugh Grosvenor reportedly made the decision to avoid a family clash


And, in addition, here are the links to the earlier mentioned two John Lennon articles, also...

1) ...

John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial, review: startling eye-witness accounts heard for the first time This impressive documentary weaves through archive and new interviews with those at the scene of Lennon's shocking murder in NYC in 1980


2) ...

Witnesses to John Lennon’s murder speak for first time

The series, John Lennon: Murder Without A Trial, includes interviews with witnesses to the shooting on 8 December 1980 and its aftermath


And finally, in completion of such a DREAM blog, here are the two respective John Lennon related comments that i chose to make on 3 December 2023, also...

1) ...

'I can't remember where i was... [explanatory note @ 4 December 2023: the article started by stating that everyone knew where they were upon hearing that John Lennon had been assassinated/murdered]

I do remember having a chat in a pub, pre 1980, with a guy who thought that John was the most talented Beatle though...

I remember telling him that Paul would prove himself to be so later in life - and the strange/puzzled look he gave me - the look that ended the conversation...' ...

2) ...

'Taken from the above article: 'Lennon spent his final hours at a recording studio where he had begun work on a new single'...

Taken from the internet: 'Once they completed the recording and took a limousine home, Lennon's life was brought to an inhumane end as he clutched the recording of 'Walking On Thin Ice' in his hand'...

A selected internet meaning of 'walking on thin ice': 'This expression describes a situation in which someone is doing something risky or dangerous that could have unpleasant or serious consequences.' ...' ...