09 Apr


I had two dreams before i awoke from my slumbers earlier this morning...

I wasn't going to share them, but then the 'bits n bobs' page on this 'ere website moved, seemingly on its own volition, to the 'DREAMS' header page - as i was recalling them in the 'thinking out loud' type of way/manner that i tend to do/adopt at times whilst sat in front of me 'puter/lappy...

...Spooky huh - well for some perhaps...

So anyway, after some deep and meaningful pondering (well perhaps anyway - and there again, perhaps not eh) i realised that perhaps i was meant to share them, publicly, after all...

...So here goes eh...

'The order dahlings - the order...

Hmmm - oh well, let's go with the Tyson one first, as i sorta think it may/could well have indeed been the first one afterall (well possibly anyway)...

I was stood onth street, (at one end of a fairly open 'ginnel' type pathway), fairly close to where i live, on the right side (slightly in front, and facing him) of Tyson Fury, who had another tall, presumably male friend, stood next to him on his left-hand side...

Tyson was talking to me as i was looking up to him, but i couldn't hear what he was saying, so told him so - resulting in Tyson stooping down to above me 'lug-ole' level before talking again...

...But i still couldn't understand what he was saying, as it sounded like dull muffled noise - so i found myself explaining to him that i was a bit 'mutton & Jeff'...

Anyway as i was walking away, what seemed to be the rear end of a long black limo pulled up, and as Tyson was walking round the back of it to get into it with what seemed like a bunch of friends, i looked back and (i think) simply said 'bye Tyson' - resulting in Tyson looking at me and nodding in a sort of matter-of-fact way, as good mates would do perhaps...

Leaving me to think 'wow Tyson Fury treating me like one of his mates' - as such very much seemed to be the case, within such a dream...

So anyway, onto the next dream - which i think may well have been the second one...

I was walking down some fairly narrow cobbled back/side streets, with adjoined buildings/houses(???) on either side...

I noticed Donald Trump walking in front of me, wearing a coat and with his back bent/inclined somewhat forwards...

I picked up pace in order to draw level to his left-hand side...

I looked at him and thought he looked a little different from how i have seen him on videos and in photos onth online newspapers...

Anyway, he looked unhappy and somewhat preoccupied in thought - in a somewhat grumpy sort of way perhaps...

And that was the end of such a dream...

Oh, the Tyson dream was in black and white btw..

...And the Donald Trump dream was a sort of murky/dirty old-fashioned colour one - a little like an old oil painting scene perhaps???...