09 Apr


Well, not quite a 'Tailor' one actually - but close never-the-less...

And it only constituted a perhaps moderately swift part of a more complete overall, singular, full-colour, dream actually...

One that could possibly be seen to have been stitched together within flow, with a number of different characters involved - three others, not including myself, actually...

The first character being a former squash (and occasional tennis playing) coaching girly-friend called erm, well not thingy, that's for sure (a very intelligent oriental beauty of a very sweet and gently determined nature)...

Anyway, erm, definitely not thingy, was waiting to play a tennis match against the girl 'Tailor' - with me seemingly setting up such (a)n occasion/event/(scene)...

...Which then turned into me warming-up said girl 'Tailor' on what started out to be a tennis court - one that somehow rather quickly transformed into a grass surfaced game of outdoor table-tennis (as such dreams seemingly sometimes do, obviously)...

...With the girl 'Tailor' adopting a rather confident and smiling shiny-eyes-rather-intently-focussed-upon-mine ascendancy - before seemingly claiming 'victory' and strutting herself orft into the presumed distance, doncha know...

...Seemingly not realising that my, erm inner self-assured, silent upon-occasion-eye-contact thoughts, were that said girl 'Tailor', in her rush to seemingly claim 'victory', within such a warm-up period, didn't seem to wish to acknowledge that i hadn't yet even started to get into my stride (cheat!!! cheat!!! lolz)...

So my message to the tailor-gal is short and simple innit...

'Come give it another go, why doncha'...

...Unless you're simply chicken of course...

Yeah, you got it tailor-gal lass - the gauntlet has indeed been well and truly thrown down, in your very specific direction, by myself - so if ya dare, it's a case of 'come hither, once agen, ickle girly-wirly', innit (lots of lolz lol)...



I forgot to mention the third and final part of such a dream, involving the third other person, didn't i...

Well it simply constituted a separate part that seemingly followed the 'Tailor' one before it...

I was stood to the immediate left of a middle-aged, fairly stockily-built male, of a Pakistani (rather than Indian perhaps) ethnicity, who was around 5' 9/10" in height, and was wearing a dark (slightly informal/relaxed perhaps???) jacket and black-rimmed spectacles - we were seemingly chatting fairly amicably together, whilst positioned within a fairly narrow passage/walk-way / open corridor, situated to the left of the grass, indoor, seemingly-now-back-to-tennis-court, low rope-and-post cordoned-off area - before he seemingly walked off in the same direction as 'Tailor' had earlier gone...

As an aside, i remember getting out of bed (for yet another pee i think) and eating most of a small ripe banana inth kitchen, before returning to bed - so given that such a dream occurred afterwards (i cannot in actual fact be completely sure), then it would seem to perhaps constitute yet another seemingly banana-fuelled one - yep, ripe bananas seem to be good for (seemingly rather wacky perhaps, in this particular case/instance anyway) dreams / dream remembrances(???) folks lol (from my experiential perspective at least)...