18 Oct


I was on a squash court, with an unseen female (female vibe) stood slightly behind me, to my left - apparently i was going to teach her to play squash (in my earlier years i had coached a female to play squash to a much higher standard than she had been playing when she first asked me for a game btw - county standard doncha know my most wonderful dahlings - best newcomer of the year award apparently *** smiles rather smugly perhaps - all rather wonderful eh dahlings ***)...

Anyway, i was stood reasonably/fairly close the back of the right-hand wall, and as i was speaking to her, i gently hit the ball, underhand, so that it just made contact with the front wall, just above the tin - (in my earlier squash playing days i used to love smashing the ball, low down the right-hand wall, whereby it made rather thunderous contact with the front wall, marginally above the tin - as it made it more difficult to return, and was a very satisfying shot to hit (yeah i did used to hit the tin rather a lot during the early days of playing/practising such a shot - but hey, i used to like the sound it made as my ball made contact with it, so it didn't particularly bother me - it simply spurred me on to get better at hitting such a shot)...

So, as i was walking rather nonchalantly down the right-hand-side of the court to pick the ball up (and realising that i hadn't played such a game in a heck of a long time), said ball transformed into a spider, which in turn somehow resulted in many spiders of all different sizes (ages) suddenly appearing along the length of both the floor and right-hand wall of said squash court - well spiders build webs, and webs become old and dusty, so i guess what i was being told was 'it's a long time since you've played it baby - and you're getting a bit long in the tooth now' (in my mind i'm going to enjoy playing squash games once again)...
