05 Oct


This rather short but (well for me anyway) somewhat amusing dream 'starred' the now non-incarnate/discarnate, and reasonably youngish (late twenties to late 30's perhaps???), Sean Connery and another supposed unknown male friend / fellow actor...

Seemingly, the two of them must have been 'out on the town' drinking together, resulting in both/each of them being very drunk and in a rather reckless frame of mind...

This particular dream started as a continuation of another dream (see 'The Unrelatable Dream') i was having whereby i was somebody else's bodyguard, whose famous 'body' (and, no, tis not a model btw) had seemingly purposely escaped my attentions, resulting in me being 'out on the street' looking for her...

So, anyway, as i was walking down this particular road i saw such a drunken pair seemingly deciding to have a contest/race against one-another...

...With such a personal race/contest dream starting (for me, visually, anyway) with the pair of them running 'neck to neck' up to the front wall of a rather large/substantial building (a hotel perhaps???), with Sean climbing up the right-hand-side edge of such a building, and his (to me) unknown drinking buddy climbing up the left-hand-side edge of such a building...

Anyway, both having reached the top (by climbing up drainpipes perhaps???), they then started running up the inclined slated roof...

It was then that my perspective changed, and i found myself on 'eye level' with Sean, realising that he was rather recklessly running on the very edge of such a slated roof...

This caused me to realise that he was in great danger of either killing or seriously physically disabling/injuring himself...

With the following scene of such a dream being of me, at a lower level than the still running Sean now both within said building (yeah strange, i know), with me shouting hopefully distracting insults at Sean, in an ongoing attempt to distract him and thus get him to stop and turn his, possibly angry, attentions towards me...

Anyway, the personal insult that had the desired effect included the (for me, rather amusing) words 'hey dickhead'...

...Causing Sean to stop, turn round, and come towards me / the unknown stranger who was insulting him...

Anyway, in the final scene, Sean was unsuccessfully trying to reach down with one of his extended arms, in his attempts to grab hold of me - it was then that a supposed hotel/body guard came onto the scene, with Sean telling/asking me (in a somewhat, amusingly, pleading way) to not tell said supposed guard where he was - and the dream ending with me saying, in a rather amusingly matter-of-fact way to the supposed pursuing guard, something like 'Sean's here but he doesn't want me to tell you', causing Sean to then submittedly (the 'fight' had completely gone out of him) realise that 'the game was now (well and truly) up'...