28 Nov


Let me start off by saying that 'Sam' could, quite obviously, refer to either a female or a male - and that such a dream recollection could, quite obviously, either refer to a factual or fictitious possible event/situation...

Such a short dream recollection/episode took place between a journalist/reporter (either male or female) and 'Sam' (either male or female)...

The verbal contents of such a Given dream interaction are/were unknown/with-held(???) to/from me...

Apparently such a journalist/reporter had produced a factual(???) account/report regarding 'Sam' - or indeed someone related/connected (one supposes) to 'Sam'...

'Sam' had then seemingly took exception to such contents/revelations - and had seemingly either insisted that said reporter/journalist came to discuss such matters with them, or they had simply waited for the next opportunity to see said reporter/journalist...

Anyway, the dream segment that was Shown to me was presumably a visual representation of such an interaction between said journalist/reporter and 'Sam'...

Both were stood up, with 'Sam' in very close physical proximity to said journalist/reporter - with the latter seemingly choosing to position themselves, physically, at a 90 degree angle to 'Sam' whilst explaining/justifying' themselves in a calm and seemingly factual/resolved manner...

Clearly(???) the journalist/reporter (seemingly in this particular case/instance anyway) had the free-will right/choice to report (within certain limits at least, one would most readily suggest) such supposed facts/actualities (it is their chosen job/profession to do so after all is it not???) - whereas 'Sam' should seemingly not have physically imposed themselves in what could easily be construed as being in a potentially threatening way/manner...

From my perspective at least, such a chosen shared dream account has been Given to me in/with Love - for clearly if 'Sam' (or anyone else for that matter) generally/continually chose to conduct themselves in such a manner and within such a (or indeed similar) situation, then this would most certainly, one would most readily suggest, compromise / be detrimental to, their 'after-Life' conditions/environments...