20 Oct


I was with a group of mates/friends, and i waited outside, momentarily, whilst they walked into a cinema ahead of me...

So after they had all gone inside, i followed - and once inside i then noticed Roger Moore standing around, within the cinema itself (rather than the foyer) - so i stopped and stood along-side him, as if familiar with him / his presence...

Hi, Roger, said i, before trying to say, as tactfully as i could (in order to possibly avoid personal embarrassment to him), that i had not seen him in the public eye for quite some time - upon which he told me that he had been recovering from a fairly minor operation (something like an appendix operation, if my memory serves me correctly, which i am not sure whether it does or not, upon this particular occasion, in all honesty), upon which, after possibly sharing some more pleasantries, we rather genially shook hands, within mutual eye contact, before i walked off and found a seat for myself amongst all the other film-goers - such a dream was in a rather gloomy black and white btw...