01 Sep


I was walking around a fairly local area where i now very rarely walk/cycle to (i go there very occasionally to do some shopping and such-like) - it was a nice pleasant sunny afternoon(???)...

I was thinking about how strange it was that we had all been given so much time off, and how much it had cost, and how we (government) could afford to do such a thing, and how we were going to pay it back - i then found myself discussing it with various passers-by, and asking whether they thought a large rock could be on its way (on course to hit the planet); such people, although they didn't seem very concerned at all, seemed interested in a novelty idea type of way (as if they had never before considered such a notion)...

In the next scene i was watching a slim and very naturally upright old man, of fairly average(ish) height, (from an overhead cobbled-stoned bridge) wearing a greyish fairly flat and slightly domed cap (with a button at top centre and a stitched-attached peak at the front), together with a fairly oldish loosely fitted matching suit (both of a fine black-lined smallish checker-board design) - he was walking deeper within a clear-water, surface-rippled, river/canal(???) until he was completely under-water, only to then appear next to me, showing me a silver metal spoon (with a comb-like metal (food/meat grasper/holder???) spring-type??? attachment secured close to the start of the stem end); there was writing engraved upon the spoon part (i think the first three letters were 'sor', seemingly followed by a single gap and then three(???) other unremembered letters, and then other rows of out of focus letters below); end of dream...