06 Mar


As i was searching for the 'A Healing Monk' dream yesterday, i also found this one (from sometime before 22 December 2016 apparently) in the same folder...

And as it is a rather interesting/strange one, i thought i would offer it...

Tis in its verbatim form once again...

...And has a number of comments and notes included afterwards...

Twas originally a 'NewLightBeings' blog offering...

Well, possibly, anyway... [re the title]

So we will follow that theme, within recounting the dream i had within the earlyish hours of this morning, whilst sleeping within my bed, prior to awakening...

We'll label it the 'shits & giggles' approach to retelling/explaining it - simply as a vehicle for possible humour...

So, before the dream commenced, i must have Flown down to, and entered, the house of proton...

And then, presumably, found my way, rather skillfully, one would hope, into the room of quark...

Where i found myself to be sitting in a classical, but relaxed, meditational posture, onth bare whitish floor - near/close to the rear central end of the room...

I noticed that everything was either black or white - but within a more, subtle/blending/slightly out of focus perhaps, rather than stark, contrasting way...

There was a television type screen, possibly two thirds or more into the room, which was positioned slightly right of centre - the screen was black, and i don't recollect any information being seen/shown/'broadcast'...

Near to the far end of the room, close towards the left corner, stood the rather tall and slim male 'quark' (presumably anyway) - who was dressed in black, fairly close-fitting, clothing, similar to a relaxed suit, with a white t-shirt, perhaps...

Then i noticed a comfortable looking black contoured, modern lounge-type chair, to my left, spin around 180 degrees, clockwise - revealing a relaxed, seated female 'quark' (presumably, anyway), who seemed to be similarly dressed to the male, but, as far as i could guess, from out of the corner of my eye, she was wearing a goldish coloured 'phantom of the opera' type mask...

After a shortish pause i decided to turn my head to the left, in order to look directly at her face - where i was surprised to see that there was no mask...

Instead, there were two white pieces of tape covering her eye-brows, slanting down slightly - looking directly back at me, she then, rather surprisingly, pulled out her tongue, towards the left corner of her mouth, whilst looking directly into my eyes, causing me to awaken into the light of the early morning...

Comment 1...

So, if the male and female, were indeed symbolically representative of 'quarks', then the 'new particle(s)' details were presumably not being shown to me via the television screen because they needed a third quark in order to complete the circuit and thereby activate/energise it, perhaps...

Making sense of the reason why female 'quark' pulled her tongue out at me, in such a strange way, perhaps...

Which, at the time, i interpreted as being of a slightly/gently lascivious nature - shocking me into making a rather swift, exit stage left, so to speak...

Comment 2...

It rather looks as if there may have been a price to pay for such information, perhaps...

One that it would seem i was not prepared for...

Hence my rather swift, reactive, exit...

Comment 3...

For those wondering - i saw this earlier produced article, which seems to have been moved onto the front page of The Guardian online newpaper, for the first time this morning...

https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/mar/18/excitement-grows-over-large-hadron-colliders-possible-new-particle-lhc ...

Strange, but true, once again...

And - one day later...

Comment 4...

I had been wondering, yesterday, why the female 'quark' had a strip of white tape over each of her two eyebrows...

Upon awakening, early this morning, i realised that they could represent the injuries sustained by the presumed destruction/death of the third 'quark' - causing the golden 'phantom of the opera' type mask, that i saw her wearing when she first swiveled around in her chair to face me, to be abruptly, removed / destroyed, during the 'smash and grab' attempt, earlier visited upon them...

And the fact that the female 'quark' was relaxing in a comfortable chair, may have symbolically depicted/represented the fact that she, was recovering / needed recovery, from her injuries, sustained at/during the time/period of third 'quarks' presumed destruction/death during said earlier 'smash and grab' attempt....

Comment 5...

And maybe when the female 'quark' popped her tongue out in such a lop-sided manner, it also symbolically represented, in a classical cartoon type style, the, dazed/fazed/slightly frazzled, effect such a 'smash and grab' attempt had on her, during / immediately after, the said attempted 'smash and grab' attack...

Comment 6...

Interestingly, it is said that there is a statue depicting 'Shiva', located outside the entrance(???) to the LHC...

A fitting symbol, within her fearsome, 'destroyer'/fierce, rather than, benevolent, form/aspect, perhaps...

Most certainly, it would most readily seem - given the 'smash and grab' style of experimental physics seemingly being conducted/practised there, one would suggest...

Comment 7...

So, when three quarks are present, the eyebrows of each quark, presumably, extend and join/bind/connect with the complementary extended eyebrows of each adjacent quark, in order to represent the gluon/'energy' fields that bind/connect the three quarks together - resulting in all three 'dancing'/moving within harmony with one-another, perhaps...

Interestingly, perhaps, i have just read that there are two 'up quarks' (represented by the lighter male quark within my dream), and one, heavier (represented by the golden 'phantom of the opera' mask within my dream, presumably) 'down quark' (represented by the female quark within my dream) 'within'/comprising a proton...

So the slightly/gently lascivious, slightly downward and left side-ward, extended/protruding tongue of the heavier female 'down' quark within my dream, was clearly an invitation for me to replace the missing/destroyed second, lighter male 'up' quark - hence my rather swift, non-binding, 'exit stage left', so to speak...

Comment 8...

And maybe the reason all three, connected / bound together, quarks 'dance'/move within harmony with one-another, is due to their combined/collective happiness that the television screen is 'broadcasting' once again...

Comment 9...

Wow, can't creative learning be fun...Tis definitely, so / the case, for an 'average Joe' like me, for sure...Three cheers for dreams, and easy to understand Guardian online newspaper graphics/diagrams, eh...

An Interesting Note...

During the evening of Thursday 15th December 2016 i watched the film 'Minority Report' once again - unsurprisingly perhaps, as most previously watched films are now almost like watching a new film, i had forgotten virtually all of said film other than the very beginning...

The were 3 'precogs' (precognition) floating in a pool within a room called 'the temple' - two males and one 'alpha' female - who were broadcasting future crime events onto a tv type screen on the ceiling directly above them...

This immediately caused me to remember my 'protonic dream' - causing me to wonder whether the tv screen within said dream broadcasts future events when all 3 'dancing' quarks (2 male and 1 female) are present and connected together by said gluon/'energy' fields...

A Further-Follow-Up Note at 22/12/2016...

Within a biological system/universe ('Sperm & Ovum' blog), the foreseeing of 'future events' simply comprises/constitutes thoughts/instructions that precede actions...

So how far into the future is it possible to see??? - as far as the lead-time between originating thought/instruction and action(s)...

So, if actions occur within the physical environment/arena of time, as they indeed do, then, given spontaniety of thought, (a) thought/instruction can be seen to originate/occur outside of the physical environment/arena of time...


Can a (series of) thought(s) be changed by mind before, it is /(they are), translated into an action(s)???...

In some cases, yes - obviously...

By a countermanding or cancelling thought (or pondering/'day-dreaming', perhaps) - so it can be said, from this perspective at least, that prophesy may not be absolutely destined to happen, in terms of it being translated into definite corresponding action(s), unless it is preceded by autonomic thought/instruction(s), perhaps...

So why do quarks 'dance' whilst watching their 'tv screen??? - because the thought of actions, outside of their natural/immediate environment, excite them, perhaps :-) :-) :-) ...