22 Nov


During the early hours of this morning, whilst still asleep in my bed, i had another dream that i wish to share...

This one was about a drone and the intended hacking of it...

The drone was like a small stealth plane...

It was of a traditional black/grey colour and had numerous oblong 'stabiliser-wings' incorporated into its design - which were located on either side along the final third(???) of its length...

There was an intention to hack into its software - to fire its missiles perhaps???...

Anyway, in another part of the dream i was walking beside a white male who was wearing a military type of hat/cap - flat on the top and with a peak at the front, with the main body of the hat/cap like the wide end of a funnel, narrowing downwards...

The man/officer(???) was walking with a fairly relaxed but purposeful rhythmic stride...

He was of average build and around 5' 9" tall - we were talking (non-American seemingly) to one-another as we were walking within an airfield type setting(???) on a wide area of concrete...

Said officer was openly anti-gay in an opinionated way - there was another aspect to the dream that i choose not to share for purposes of not disclosing what could prove to be a sensitive military secret/aspect...