09 Feb


So there i was, having/enjoying this this lovely series of dreams, feeling really chipper, walking my way home (not my real home though - a more classically 'citified' suburban area with a wider straight road and wider pavements) in readiness for the later arrival of what was apparently a new love interest (initial consummation seeming/looking imminent - with a girlfriend ('Gilli-bean', as i used to call her - simply because she used to have one of those toy (green) jumping Mexican bean's in her purse, that she seemed rather attached to - first time that i can ever remember dreaming about her actually) that i used to go out with during my 'Rotters' nightclub/discotheque years - she used to work as some sort of secretary/receptionist within a fire extinguisher making(???)/selling business actually), when everything suddenly (although blending in) changed - seemingly receiving several news reports consecutively(???)/simultaneously(???) about some sort of French nuclear accident???/explosion???, with such reporters trying their best not to cry, and talking about food shortages...

It was at this point, when i was nearing my home (with awareness of soon having to get my house-keys out of my pocket arising into my background consciousness), that a small car rushed passed me down the pavement (seemingly in a rush to get out of the area / home) and everyone was beginning to become increasingly concerned - and i looked up to notice really thick 'streams' (like massively thick, near vertical (descending???) ' hair-like' strands) of white clouds engulfing the skies above, eclipsing / overpowering the more natural thick white ones - with me then having the realisation that it was nuclear fallout basically, but that i was still breathing perfectly fine/normally, but becoming increasingly concerned about the need to get inside my, comparatively large, detached(???)/semi-detached(???) home (and with a smattering of white fallout beginning to rather magically start appearing/emerging on (leafless???) trees, buildings, roads etc) ...

And it was at this point that the dream suddenly ended - causing me to rather abruptly(???)/suddenly awaken into full consciousness, but still in a very relaxed state (as i was throughout the whole of such a dream basically), gradually realising that it seemed rather late to have had such a dream, and how it had (e)merged, very naturally/flowingly, out of / from the really lovely and deeply enjoyably relaxed dream i was having immediately prior to this one (i had actually been in a dreamy half-awake state upon several occasions prior to this, and had, in actual fact, paid yet another visit to the toilet/bathroom) - anyway, upon an emerging realisation of the lateness of such a dream i reached for my dedicated table-bedside watch and pressed the 'light on' button to see that it was 7:10am - the lateness of such a dream seemed somewhat like / reminiscent of when i go out for a daily dedicated walkies and am sometimes Given something to remember, late on within such a walkies, so that there is less chance of me forgetting it, actually/incidentally...