10 Oct


In this dream i was sat within a fairly large and particularly well-lit office type of room - at a fairly large, basic type of desk, with an active computer screen upon it...

And although i later realised that there seemed to be quite a lot of clutter spread around such an office (stacked files, folders, paperwork and stuff), it didn't in any way feel claustrophobic - due to its large oblong(ish) size really...

Anyway, in this initial full-colour part of the dream, Noel Gallagher was sat to my immediate left - where, as he was chatting to me, i became aware that this was the second time he had come to visit me...

I think Noel might have thought that my drinking mug must have been a little scruffy/old - as he offered to get me a new one - causing me to look at his, which comprised the roughly cut-off bottom part of a plastic bottle, with a couple of blue swirly, artistic/designer-type of thinish lines on part of the front of it...

It was at that particular moment within the dream that i realised that he wanted to be mates - whereas i wasn't particularly sure that i wanted to be...

(I think this outlook may possibly have been tainted/contaminated by an apparently real-life situation that i had read about (in the Mail Online newspaper, i think (well, if my memory serves me correctly anyway) some years ago - whereby Coleen Rooney had seemingly taken a guitar to Noel, in order that he may sign it, as a birthday present for Wayne...

...Anyway, in the event, Noel had (rightly or wrongly) seemingly told Coleen to leave it with him for a while - and then later seemingly having it taken apart, painted Manchester City blue, and put back together again (or something similar anyway), ready for Coleen to then supposedly collect...

...Anyway, i remember thinking that, in my personal opinion, it seemed like a pretty shitty and 'smart-arse' thing to do - and, rightly or wrongly, thinking about how crest-fallen both Coleen and Wayne must have felt about such a 'gesture' - resulting in me taking a distinct dislike to Noel from then onwards)...

Anyway, back to the dream - i then ignored such an offer from Noel, and instead started a discussion about mugs in general, as a sort of distraction from his offer - and saying to Noel, something like, 'i wonder who has the oldest mug in the country, and i wonder how old it actually is???'...

...Before Noel then told me, in one of those unspoken 'you can come along if you want' ways, about a live band he was going to see - i can no longer remember the name of such a band - only that it was seemingly fronted by a female who seemed to have a number of 'z's' within her singular stage name (with the band name following - as in a kind of 'Her & Them sort of way/fashion)...

Anyway, once again i didn't answer - and instead then (or soon after anyway) realised that Tyson Fury had earlier fought - causing me to tell Noel, in a fairly excited way, 'don't say anything right', as i then turned to the computer in order to read about it (something i have yet to do btw)...

...Dreams eh...

So, anyway, Noel then got up to leave - resulting in me helping him to carry some files and folders out with him, in order that he didn't have to make a second trip back to my seeming office to grab the rest...

Which then heralded the second part of the dream - which was at night-time, and in black and white...

So, having walked downstairs together, we entered a fairly busy outside area where quite a few people were generally milling around - amongst which was a seemingly waiting Liam...

...With both (younger than now) brothers wearing identical, all black, clothing - consisting of short leather (front zip type) tops, tight and thin body hugging turtle-necks(???), trousers and shoes...

...With a seemingly awaiting black Rolls Royce - to presumably take them to the afore-mentioned gig...

End of dream...

As an afterword, i remember laying partly awake in my bed afterwards, generally mulling over such a dream - thinking that i should have accepted Noel's offer and gone to such a gig with him/them - mainly because the vibes between the two of us had actually been pretty good within such a dream...

For some reason the whole dream situation reminded me of a guy called Bryan, whom i had first met years earlier whilst visiting my dad and his fairly new partner/wife - we almost got into a fight-type situation (i had seemingly said something that he had taken particular offence to - but he calmed down after realising that i was ready for him) - and then afterwards found ourselves chatting with one-another at all of the subsequent family get-togethers that we both attended...

...He actually 'died' / shed his mortal coil at a fairy young age sometime later, due to drink-related issues apparently - which i found to be particularly saddening - mainly due to the fact that he left a really nice wife and two really nice almost teenage boys behind...

Tis strange what seeming unexpected associations can come to mind sometimes isn't it...

Anyway, having dutifully typed out the first draft of such a dream, before possibly forgetting its details, i guess it's now time to go online and go read about that third Tyson Fury - Deontay Wilder fight...

...Which, based upon a 'feeling'/'impression' that came distinctly to mind as i was still laying in bed, as a sort of definite 'Knowing', has been won by a knockout by Tyson...

...And hey, waddya know - Tyson won by a knockout in the 11th round - according to the Guardian Online anyway, who said 'Tyson Fury walks away after knocking out Deontay Wilder to retain his world heavyweight boxing title'...

Just call me 'Psychic Sam' eh lolz...

...Even though my first name isn't 'Sam' really :-) :-) :-) ...