30 Jul


This particular dream came after i had been making a series of comments within a Mail Online newspaper article regarding a backlash over the proposed introduction of a 'covid passport' at the end of September this year...

My comments regarding such a subject were spawned by another commenter who asked whether anyone thought such a 'covid passport'  could herald the introduction/beginnings of a 'National Identity Card' system by stealth / indirectly...

As i had harboured such thoughts myself, upon 'covid passports' first being talked about, i firstly agreed with him, before then making a series of separate comments myself...

Anyway, the dream...

The setting of such a dream was within a somewhat chaotic/fearful/dramatic atmosphere...

The first scenes were showing the outlawing of physical money - visually/symbolically, in terms of me and others carrying a handful of brand new, shiny one pound coins...

These then, within the dream, became outlawed/illegal - whereby you could be hunted down for simply carrying / being in possession of them...

And then, within the final scenes, we were being hunted down and corralled/shepherded, rather abruptly (symbolising both the tight control/enforcement and public resentment to the possible introduction of such 'covid passports'/national identity/identifying cards perhaps) if were weren't peacefully/dutifully complying, into having a fairly long numeric personal identifying code, penned in red ink onto the top-right-hand-side of some sort of form (which i wrote down myself within such a dream btw)...

End of dream...