04 Sep


This dream recollection was one of a few i remember having experienced whilst sleeping in my bed earlier this morning...

I was walking up some fairly steep and fairly narrow internal stairs (with cream-coloured walls on either side) behind(???)/along-side(???) a known-to-me (Roman Catholic???) male...

There was a singular male stood in front of a door(???) at the top...

Anyway, said known-to-me male asked said man if he would be allowed into Heaven (after his current incarnation had ended, and presumably all things being currently equal for him, one would assume) - upon which he received an affirmative answer - whereas i simply didn't have the confidence to ask the same question, in fear of the answer that i may (currently) receive...

...Causing me to hurry back down such stairs, in front of said, presumably much more relaxed and slower walking, said known-to-me male, with the sudden realisation that said man represented the Christian/biblical Saint Peter...

Such a said known-to-me male is a more distant neighbour of mine - i sometimes 'bump' into him either going to the local supermarket, on my way back from said local supermarket, or indeed, whilst on one of my walkies - he is a physically impaired/injured male, so i am required to walk much more slowly than i would otherwise normally do, whilst in conversation with him (as well as being required to take the occasional rest with him, whenever he feels the need to do so) ...

...I suspect that he may also be carrying some psychological damage with him - he has apparently made some mistakes within his current life/incarnation, and has been made to pay for them - sometimes he is apparently treated unkindly/unthoughtfully by others, and his seemingly singular mother fairly recently (a few years ago perhaps???) passed over to the Other side of Life...

Whilst inth kitchen, preparing my breakfast, the partial remembrance of something that i had read in a book (an Annie Bessant one, perchance???) years ago came to mind - twas of a homeless man walking through the grounds of a particular church, being observed by the vicar, alongside some well/nicely-dressed female parishioners who were making some unskilful/unwelcoming/disparaging comments regarding himself and his presence within such church grounds, with said vicar telling them something to the effect of (if my memory serves me correctly), 'unlike your(???)/our(???)selves this will be his last incarnation on planet Earth' OR (i cannot now remember which) something like 'he is a lot closer to Heaven (symbolic of a very pleasing/welcoming Environment (from my personal perspective, at least))  than our(???)/your(???)selves'...

I find both the dream and such a shared recollection / partial remembrance to contain much potential food for thought...

Addendum at 20 September 2024...

In the penultimate paragraph of the above i mentioned that 'Heaven' is 'symbolic of a very pleasing/welcoming Environment' - whereas what i should really have said is that 'Heaven' is symbolic of one of perhaps very many very pleasing/welcoming environments (from my personal perspective, at least) - for, in truth, i, as a predominantly non-religious person/individual, very much believe that the Environment that We find Ourselves to be either Residing or abiding within, after the physical death of our bodies, simply depends upon how we have lived our Earthly lives/incarnations, irrespective of whether we have chosen to follow any particular religion or not whilst incarnate upon planet Earth...

And whilst mentioning religions in general (and Roman Catholicism specifically), i find myself very much needing (for purposes of clarification) to state that i, personally, find Roman Catholicism, in particular, to be a very sullied and contrived religion indeed, and would thus never ever, personally, wish to be part of such a religion at all, and indeed am very thankful that i have never been so - and with regard to the Christian Earthly concept/version of 'Heaven' specifically, although it would most obviously be populated by nice people who were Deemed to have lived predominantly/fundamentally Good/Wholesome Earthly lives, tis simply not a Place / specific Environment that i could see myself fitting into Comfortably on an ongoing basis, for i very much feel, rightly or wrongly, that i would simply find the Earthly view of it to be too restrictive and therefore unsuitable for my ongoing personal tastes, to be perfectly honest - horses for courses eh :-) :-) :-) ...