02 Jan



Getting back to working, after having enjoyed one's rather welcoming holiday festivities...

Seeming word of the (earlier part of the) day...

Blasé darling, blasé - ahhh, so that's the word is it - yeah, i guess that could sort of describe how i was feeling before the end of my earlier walkies, for sure...

Okie dokie, let's get on with it eh...

But before doing so let me reiterate what i have, on occasion, said previously - and that is that i have absolutely no idea whatsoever if such dreams as this one in any way represent a possible future reality or not - i am simply choosing to relay/record that which i can remember experiencing within a dream that i had sometime during my earlier sleep period last night...

This particular dream constitutes a series of separate/adjoining sequences - whether i now remember them in their correct order is unknown to me - so i shall simply give it my best shot, so to speak...

The first(???) remembered scene involved a weather-girl/woman strutting her stuff onth tv - she was warning of an incoming meteor shower...

Visually, i was shown an onth screen picture of Great Britain (Ireland wasn't shown/depicted) - it was completely covered in a thick layer of cloud - with such a cloud covering being predominantly whitish around the periphery, with the main inner body of such a cloud covering being mainly of a dull/matt sand/mustardy colouring (similar, perhaps, to a cloud of a volcanic nature/colouring - although there was absolutely no indications whatsoever of any volcanic activity being in any way evident - tis merely how i would best be able to describe such colourations visually)...

Said weather-girl/woman then moved/scrolled the map leftwards with her hand to reveal a rather large and densely packed roundish area of meteors, within the blueness of the heavens presumably...

In the next(???) scene i was stood within the heavens myself (i seemed to be very large in stature), looking in greater detail at such an area of densely packed 'meteors' - however, from this much closer perspective such 'meteors' became a high definition picture of a gun-metal/slate grey coloured circular space-ship...

...With the front (nearest to me) half containing a series of fairly large/extensive, and seemingly deep, fissures/cracks, as if very badly damaged...

Such a space-ship was a lot larger in diameter than it was in height - and had a number of raised, half-football-like integral features upon its upper surface - they seemed to comprise a natural part of the surface, rather than added / 'bolted'-on features, if you will...

In the next(???) scene i seemed to be stood in front of the Moon - i seemed to be very large indeed, and was stood in a symmetrical way, with my legs apart, as well as my downward facing arms (similar to that famous Leonardo Da Vinci drawing) - and if my memory serves me correctly i was of a goldenish colour perhaps...

Anyway, i could feel the gravity/energy waves coming/emanating from both the moon and the sun - it was of a quite interesting/unusual/unique and energetically pleasant feeling/nature...

And in what may have comprised the final scene within/of such a dream, i was back on planet Earth, moving (possibly Thor-like) in harmony with two falling/impacting asteroids - with my legs bending at the knees, my back bending forwards at the waist, and one of my, straight and extended, arms moving downwards as each asteroid in sequence fell/impacted the ground - as if pointing the way almost, but in very much a flowing, choreographed, sort of way...

Strangely enough i seemed to be rather pleased about it - as if it signified a much needed healing/resetting/restarting point in time for planet Earth - something that was very much destined to be, rather than something untoward/destructive, if you will...

...Whereas for the weather-girl/woman, from a seemingly much more limited/immediate perspective, it was of a somewhat serious nature - indeed she was looking at me with a distinct annoyance for seemingly not taking it all seriously/unwelcomingly, as she was very much doing...

Strange i know, but i am simply relaying what took place, emotionally if you will, within that part of the dream...

And that seemed to be it, in its entirety, as i currently remember it anyway...

The only other thing that i can add is that said 'meteor cloud' later brought to mind something that Nostradamus ('Nosty', as i used to refer to him) seemed to see (from my interpretation at least) in one of his many quatrains - whereby a very large rock was hidden within/behind many much smaller rocks, as it was seemingly approaching planet Earth - with such a much larger rock only revealing itself to those upon planet Earth at the very last moment before entering Earth's atmosphere/skies/biosphere...