05 Mar


This Dream comprises the first part of two dreams i apparently had / made a typed record of within a blog called Dreams And Ponderings...

It was 'a rather interesting full colour and rather lucid dream that i had prior to awakening' apparently, on 17 March 2016...

I noticed that i had made reference to 'A Healing Monk' dream in an older blog offering that i was reading early yesterday morning, as i was working on the chronology of certain events - so made a note to try to find it - and, today, find it i did...

So, here it is in its verbatim form...

There were people laying on the ground, within a certain state of discomfort as they were being walked over - they were seemingly all male...

Being rather concerned about their well-being, i found myself laying on the ground also - in order to get a better understanding about the nature of what was happening to said prone people...

Firstly, i noticed that a prone male individual, who seemed to be wearing a dark-brown sack-cloth-like garment, was being walked over - he wasn't enjoying the experience and seemed to be experiencing some pain/discomforture...

I then looked up to see who was walking over him, and saw that it was a traditionally robed monk - i looked at his feet and saw, with a certain amount of relief, that he was wearing dark flat-soled sandals...

Whilst wondering whether he was one of many undergoing some sort of punishment, or was receiving some healing, for a back problem/complaint, perhaps, i found myself being walked over, seemingly very lightly indeed, by another passing individual, whom i did not clearly see - so was somewhat comforted in/with the knowledge that, although strange, things didn't seem to be as bad as i at first suspected they may have been...