This was a dream whereby Prince Harry and myself had seemingly been hangin' out playfully with one-another for a while before i retained a conscious recollection of such seemingly ongoing interactions...
Anyway, the bit that i remember was of Prince Harry and myself being stood upon a large area of flat trimmed grass, close to the entrance of a large/substantial stone(???) building, in a predominantly light-hearted way - with me holding the lower section of a long and fairly substantial vertical white-painted flag-pole - and with me then saying to the now seemingly progressively less playful-looking Harry, in a sort of playfully daring/challenging way, whilst moving my grip on said flag-pole increasingly towards the lower end, something like, 'hey Harry, i'm going to toss the caber'...
Twas at such a point that the increasingly less stable still vertical flag-pole fell from my grip, causing the now trimmed / less wide (and now unpainted) lower still circular end/section to impact the now white stone-chipped pathed ground beneath me to fracture/splinter mid-section - with a now rather serious-minded Harry not being at all well-pleased with such Tom-foolery on my part - in fact twood very much seem within such a dream that such playfully reckless actions by myself had very much lessened/compromised such a friendship...