06 Dec


As a prelude to such a dream, i had awoken sometime before 7:20 am, after having gone to bed at around 11:30 the night before...

Anyway, at such a time it was Intimated to me that such an unspecified 'They' wished me to get up and start my day, as there was Work to do - however, feeling nice and warm and relaxed under my duvets etc, i declined by saying in relaxed Reply that i wished to remain snoozing/luxuriating for longer, and that it seemingly wouldn't really matter if i did so and started my day a little later instead - upon which i seemingly must have fallen back into sleep, and had the following short dream...

Based upon an earlier dream that i had, i had seemingly been attending some sort of convention which had necessitated me booking into a rather large hotel - a convention that had now (at the start of this, presumably concluding, dream) seemingly ended - resulting in myself, Gwyneth (Paltrow), and her mother chatting whilst standing outside upon a wide communal pedestrian area between many shops/buildings - with many (it was very crowded) people going about their seemingly early evening (twas dusk) business...

So anyway, such a dream recollection started with me chatting, in a relaxed conversational way, to both Gwyneth and her mother - and upon conclusion, Gwyneth then directed such a group conversation towards her mother - with me then realising that i had something more to, rather enthusiastically, add...

...Causing Gwyneth to look at me, gently and without judgement, and for me to realise that i had butted in, causing me to stop such a butting in...

...Which, in turn, resulted in Gwyneth giving me a warm, gentle, and appreciative smile in return, before continuing with her mother directed conversation...

Anyway, at the conclusion of such a group conversation, when Gwyneth's mother had presumably gone her separate way, Gwyneth remained talking to me - upon which i realised that people would be wondering who i was to be talking to such a well-known person/celebrity - (i suspect that i may have simply become aware of certain inquisitive Vibes from some of them actually) ...

Anyway (once again), it was at such a point in time when Gwyneth told me that she was very much in need of a pre-parting hug - and so we hugged, in a completely non-sexual and friendly, reassuring sort of way - with me saying that i wasn't really a hugging sort of person normally, whilst realising that maybe i was in a slight need of one myself actually...

...With such a hugging part of such a dream ending with Gwyneth, still within-hug, talking to me, before i simply awoke into a somewhat reflective consciousness...

...Sometime after which i noticed that it was now 9:20 am - causing me to realise that it was now, most definitely, time to get up and start my day - but still within a relaxed state...

A somewhat clumsy recollection, i know - but, hey, it's the best i can presently do - as my head is still a bit fuzzy, and my body still relaxed...

So what was the earlier part of the dream about, the reader of these words may perhaps understandably enquire...

Well, i know that i had attended such a presumed convention by myself / unaccompanied...

And i remember walking within such a densely people-crowded city setting, possibly in search of such a hotel - within which i could sense an increasing feeling/state of unease arising (i don't particularly like crowded places when unaccompanied) - and i remember telling myself to relax and stay calm/detached, which i presumably did...

And i remember, within another scene, being seated, somewhat right of centre, within a high-ceilinged, long and fairly narrow room, within the fully occupied front row of such seats...

And i remember that on the other side of the room there were a series of increasingly and closely inclined rows of, seemingly mirrored, seating that were all occupied also...

And i got the sense that different people, within such an inclined seating side of such a room, had been / and were indeed still speaking in turn...

And i remember that the atmosphere was rather somber/solemn...

And i remember a rather rotund male, situated centrally in one of the upper rows then speaking in a somewhat self-indulgent insanely cackling/laughing sort of way...

And i remember the atmosphere changing into one that reflected how completely inappropriate such self-indulgent laughter was...

And, finally, i remember an increasing number of people choosing to stand up, en masse, and exit such a room in complete disapproval, which then rendered such a meeting well and truly over - and with me also doing so, in a somewhat belated recognition of such a meeting now being over ('somewhat belated' because i had, within the earlier stages of such a mass exit, wondered whether some would remain, and thus the meeting continue in a much lesser attended way) - and of me briefly chatting with a seemingly disinterested female, whilst so walking along an adjoining corridor, before going our separate ways...