24 Aug


This particular short but interesting dream remembrance came to me upon awakening onth morning of 18 August 2023 - interestingly perhaps is the fact that sometime before going to bed i was Told (as i occasionally am on an ongoing basis in actual fact) 'we need to see you tonight' (with a seemingly implicit/unspoken 'if you would please' being silently/energetically added/included, if you will) - anyway, without further ado, here is such a dream remembrance...

I simply remember standing close/next to a light-hearted/happy David Cameron (whilst experiencing a bit of tooth envy strangely enough) within a room (daylight) seemingly containing a group of unseen others, whereby someone said light-heartedly 'David knows about it but you don't', or words to such effect (who knows, maybe David was allowed to remember the 'nuts and bolts' of such a presumed occasion and i simply wasn't - given that such a dream remembrance actually represents reality of course, and that David woke up with a full recollection of such a dream occasion - intrigue upon intrigue huh) ...

The perhaps strange thing about it was that we were all absolutely fine about such a thing, and indeed found it all to be rather amusing/fun, in a 'good game, good game' sort of way lolz - in a similar way perhaps to the light-heartedness displayed within my earlier 'A Keir Dream' and 'A Jeremy Dream' - which is all rather interesting in a thought-provoking way, is it not???...